I’m sure you know by now.. that eating chinese food ain’t easy for me.. because you can only get so much ingredient .. from this town. So I’ve gotta improvised most times. Yup.. this is the closest chinese food.. i can come up with .. and cook.. and think i’m back home. 😉 with the ingredients i can get here.
I cooked this last nite.. and boy!! was i hungry..!! but guess what..!! the rice wasn’t cooked right..!! ARrrrrrghhhhh..!!! so this morning.. i had to cook a new batch of rice.. for the brat..!! Prawns was really cheap.. this week.. so i bought it.. it was great.. and the broccoli and carrots came all cut up.. and easy peasy .. not preparation time. Just as long as the brat lets me cook.. which wasn’t till Papa came home from work.