Wedding of MP

Nothing unusual if it was a your everyday dude/dudette wedding… but under same sex marriage.. very near home in Annapolis Valley.. now that’s different. How do the ppl looked upon it..?? Well.. looks like residents of Cheverie, are playing it down.

But being the first federal politician to exchange vows in a same-sex ceremony, now that definitely should create some kinda boo-ha. A year ago.. when 2 RCMP officers got married in Nova Scotia.. there wasn’t an uproar or anything. . but it sure was one of the first and an eye-opener for me here. If you donch know.. gay marriages were legalized 2 years ago.. in Canada.

The Canadians are very liberal.. and they are mostly non-fussy ppl. As long as they are not hurting us.. that’s what they all said. I hear that some ppl from the States comes to Canada to legalize their marriage. Is it true..??