So Matter Of Factly Way

It’s amazing .. how the brat would responds to some stuff.. and answer you in a matter of factly way.. just like an adult. I wonder if it has anything to do with us… since she does pick up alot from the way we talk and act.

But at other times.. you just donch know where she gets the answers from.. or the way.. she answers us. For example.. if there was something we donch want her to do.. or eat.. she would answer you . “No.. Mom..!” in an exasperated manner.. hhahaha!! I wonder if we do that to her.. unconsciously .. or not..?? otherwise.. how would she have the funny way of saying. “No Mom..!!”

What’s your take on it..?? does your kid talk to you .. and make your jaws drop..?? muaahhahaha!! mine does..!