Attorneys Who Care

Can you imagine, how devastated a parent can be if a newborn had a life-threatening disorder..?? When I was pregnant with my little girl, all I asked for was that she is healthy. I don’t care if she was pretty, if she had blonde hair or blue eyes, if she had good complexion for all these are secondary. I prayed and prayed very hard, that she will be healthy and not born with any defective.

PPHN is short for Pulmonary Hyprtension of the Newborn and yes it causes constriction to the newborn’s arteries to the lungs after delivery, and because of that, the amount of oxygen to the bloodstream is limited thus the newborn infant is put in danger. Don’t be deceived to think that these newborn have abnormalities or are not born full term, so how did the newborn after birth have severe respiratory failure and requires immediate incubation and mechanical ventilation..?? Yet even with emergency treatment, not all survived.

For the last 17 years, there is a group of attorneys who have been extremely moved by their clients’ tragic stories and while representing their client had dug deeper into drug company files and discovered all about the health risks these drug companies are putting their customers like you and me. Fighting really hard to get this information out to the public are those in Paxil Attorneys California, the attorneys who care. I am sure you are aware of how hard these attorneys had to fight to gain access to these information.

Extremely concerned about the association between certain anti-depressant and PPHN, they are the first to file a PPHN lawsuit in United States. And because of their selfless work, the FDA finally issued a public health warning, urging the manufacturers to change their prescribing information to describle potential risk of PPHN. so if you know of any PPHN in newborns, and knows that the mothers took SSRI antidepressant during pregnancy, report the child’s case to the FDA, so that more newborns can be saved.