Well, if you are following Part I of the brat’s fuss up .. you will know that something had to be done, so she wouldn’t start her nonsense and think that she can bully us all the time, especially in front of the customer/s and at the store. I just thank God.. that she is nothing like that in public.
Anyways, i was mad..and it was pouring. .and she was relentless and wanted to go .. so i grabbed her hands.. and we ran to Tim’s to look for her Papa. We got all wet.. and her Papa got really mad.. and she was spanked.. once..! and was screamed at by me.. big time at the store.. because i was wet too..! So after our little explosion at the store.. she was good.. but she didn’t get to go for that Princess birthday party.. nor did we go shopping. That was her punishment… ! as soon as she finished lunch.. and we were done our work.. at the store.. we headed home.. and home we stayed.
And at home she was constantly reminded why we weren’t going out. First, no sleep at nite.. secondly, fussing at the store.. and wanting to go out in the rain. Hopefully, she learned her lesson, else, tomorrow she ain’t going to Grammie’s.