Hug Monster

PB blames me for turning our daughter into a hug monster… muahahhaha!! All because the other day, she went to the park with Keegan and when PB went back to pick them up, Chloe kicked up a fuss because a little boy refuses to give her a hug for goodbyes.

PB said .. the brat was almost crying .. and kept asking for a hug and even after they went home, she was complaining away .. that she didn’t get her hugs. Yes.. i’ve trained chloe to hug everyone .. like Grammie and Grampie and relatives and close friends.. but I didn’t teach her to hug kids in the park.. !! muahahahhaha!!

The biggest reason why my brat is this way is because my parents weren’t the huggie type. I cannot remember when my parents hugged us as kids. *Shrug* .. i just tell myself.. that they are the conservative type but i really donch want Chloe to grow up, not knowing warmth, love and feeling slight. So be it.. if she turns into a HUGGY MONSTER eh..?