It Disturbs Me

It really irks me to no end.. when i see a mother walk casual up and down main street with the baby in a stroller.. and a hand holding a cigarette and smoking her lungs out. For a man to do it .. i can only say.. “ya.. fathers are stupid..!” but for a mother to do it..??? I think it is worst than being stupid. I’ll say.. it’s being irresponsible.. selfish.. and dumb..!

As a mother myself.. i could never do anything deliberately that might harm my daughter. And we all know smoking in front of a young kid or any kid.. might cause the kid to have asthma.. and whatever not..! yet.. these ppl would do that .. to a kid ..who is hardly a year old.. and have been doing it.. since the baby was born. It is more than being irresponsible.. i’ll say..! i think there should be a law.. against.. smoking right in front of the kid..! Mothers or Fathers .. like that .. should be fined heavily.. or kick in their asses real hard.. if you ask me..!