Choosing My Battles

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I rarely punish or smack the brat .. because honestly .. she is a good kid.. except for not wanting to sleep.. and not trying new food. Other than that.. i really think she is pretty good. Even when we are out in the mall.. she would climbed onto the delivery truck.. but not wanting me to put any money into it.. just driving it.. pretending. It is always us.. we keep asking.. if she wants a ride.

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So when PB gets upset.. and exasperated.. because she wants a cake or a candy after 9pm.. and it’s not like she wants a big piece of cake.. or all of the candies.. just a tiny bit.. or one candy.. it really upsets me.. because really.. the brat doesn’t do anything.. without asking. Nor does she rip things off. .and just pops them in her mouth.. without first seeking approval. So I donch understand why PB cannot count his blessings.. that the lil’ brat is actually a very good kid.. except for fussing.. like kids do at times. Surely he cannot expect the same mentality of a 3.5yrs old .. to a 35 right..?? Well.. i still think my brat behaves better than some 35 yrs old..!