Networking Group

A few days ago, while in the store, a member of the local business organization handed me a brochure for the networking group for the women in town. For the last 7 yrs year, apparently i was invisible . . and only visible when a donation is required. I was invited to join in their activities.. on a monthly basis with luncheons and all. All these are not unfamiliar to me.. for once upon a time.. i too was actively involved with the networking of professional women in Singapore.

Unfortunately, if you have been following my blog, you would know my view of this wonderful town .. and the ppl running this place. We’ve attended one business meeting in town a few years ago and it was a total waste of our time then. Nothing was being down and everything just died a natural death after calling in a consultant to brain-storm the already bad situation in town. And for me to join something like this networking group for women..?? with so many “great” stuff happening for this town in this instant.. i’ll have to pass..!