Welfare Day

As expected .. today is welfare day.. so you know what it does for our business right..? i call it welfare day.. although it is the children’s cheque day… where Canadian government gives money to the mothers, depending on how many child you have and how much income you bring it.

Most mothers here don’t work.. and they have like 4 – 5 children.. and more if they can.. so that the welfare cheques can be higher than most. A child can get up to $500 each from the government.. and that’s not including the real welfare cheques they are getting at the end of the month. Some mothers are very smart.. because they work for about 800 – 1200hrs.. and then they quit their jobs.. to get full unemployment .. citing they have to take care of their kids.. and of course they get it.. and then for the next year or so.. they won’t have to work.. but get paid..! yup.. some do know how to work the system. It is a sad situation.. because my mother had 4 kids.. and as far as i know.. she never stopped working .. till she retired at 55 yrs old.