Udon & Carrots

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I am sure you all know I have very little repertoire when it comes to cooking. But for the sake of my brat, who doesn’t eat outside food, i have had no choice but to cook. And i really try to cook stuff that has got all the nutrients in it. I bought some baby carrots that were dirt cheap last week, so since i know the brat wouldn’t eat it stir-fried.. i had no choice but to try putting them into the udon. But they didn’t turn out great.. because it was still quite hard.. after cooking. .and the brat just refuses to eat it.. even after cutting them up into small pieces. So here i was thinking i’ll save some time .. by using baby carrots.. no need to cut and scrub.. but what’s the point if the brat doesn’t wanna eat right..?? So a wasted effort lah.. in the end.. i was the one eating up those carrots you see here. Bummer eh..?