ChildCare Closure In Town

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“My Friends’ Place Childcare Centre on Barnard Street will be closing on Nov. 30. Parents’ Place will continue to provide family resource programs in the area.”

Some 18 families will have seek for alternative childcare service. I think it is the workers that are quite shocked with this piece of news. With winter here.. and bills to pay .. and be on top.. i bet .. they are not happy campers at all. The childcare center is closing due to long-term financial difficulties from low enrolment and structural problems in the original section of the building. How ironic..!! when the town can find the funds … to build a $5million building..???!!!?? Retarded.. !! And donch even get me started on it again..!! These are the things WE the people see as a REAL need.. to help..! but where are the town councils.. and the people who are MAKING THE RIGHT DECISIONS..???? The people we are supposed to TRUST TO MAKE THE RIGHT DECISIONS..!! Arrrrghhh..!!! Donch even get me started on it .. again..!! it’s infuriating..!