Diaper War Over..??

Chloe is almost 4 yrs old now.. and yes.. time flies..! and sometimes you wonder .. where did it go..?? As each day passes, one cannot help but thank God.. for the many blessings.. this child has given to us. Sure we have our bad days.. but the good ones.. comes along quickly to remind us that she is a Gift from God.

At almost 4 .. we’ve finally not have to wear diapers to sleep for the last 2 nites.. and she had been doing very well, she didn’t pee at all.. in bed.. and waited till the morning to pee. Some may say.. that it’s nothing.. afterall .. she is gonna be 4.. but if you donch know by now.. we are pretty busy parents.. who cannot afford to lose alot of sleep that we already donch have. So we let Chloe wait as long .. as she wanted.. till she was ready in alot of things. From peeing in the toilet to poopie in the toilet.. it all happened one fine day.. without anymore cajoling.. or bribing. It has only been 2 days.. but one can always hope right..?? Tune in .. to find out if my Diaper War is Over.