Party Invitations

We have quite a few invitation this time of the year for birthday parties for kids around chloe’s age. Strange as it might sound.. since Chloe doesn’t attend pre-kindergarten or child care center, our invites are no less than those kids .. that do attend.

Yes.. you guess right..! invites are mostly from customers of our store.. and honestly, we do try to go .. because they are the folks we want Chloe to grow up with. One such family is the ever generous and loving family Gerald, Adele and Sarah Leblanc. How generous are they..?? after Halloween, Adele (who is ultra busy lady), came by our store.. so that Chloe can get her goodie bag for Halloween..! you see lah..! where got so nice folks one.. right..?? go out of their way .. to make sure .. that Chloe knows she is not forgotten.

Sometimes I wished we could do more .. for folks like the Leblanc’s .. they donch pick gifts for Chloe and us .. just randomly.. they really give it much thoughts too. And really .. we wished we have more time to go to everyone’s party.. but time just would not permit it.. ! We need 48 hrs a day.. !! Got time to sell..??