Christmas Cookie

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About a week ago, Keegan’s parents bought Chloe a Christmas cookie. They had bumped into us.. at the grocery store.. and asked.. if they were gonna get into trouble.. for getting the brat a cookie .. muahahah!!

Well.. to cut the long story short.. they asked about it.. because Phil (Keegan’s dad) had bought Chloe a huge loliipop .. on day.. and he thought i was mad at him.. but it’s not because of that… it’s coz’ i donch want Chloe to be going out with people and start asking for candies. And the brat already knew that i would be upset.. because she had told Phil that “mummy is gonna be mad!” I am not mad that she is eating candies or cookies.. just donch want her to have the habit of asking or receiving things from people .. because I want to teach her to be self-sufficient.

You prolly think I’m crazy now.. but it’s alright.. tell me about it.. 😉