Best Nite Sleep

We just got home last nite.. and on the road home.. we had to stop many times.. because the brat wanted to go pee. But i think it is only because she wanted to get outta the car. It was also raining quite abit.. on different areas.. on the road.. but we made it home safe.

I haven’t slept good for the last few nites.. when we were up in the city.. and did i sleep good last nite. The brat slept good too.. last nite..! thank God..!! So .. hang in there.. while i tell you about my trips.. and pictures on my trip.

One thing i’ll have to say.. is .. although going up to the city was great..! nothing beats coming home.. to your own house.. and your own stuff. Hell..! i’ve never been happier to come back to Y-Town.. muahhaha!!!