Kids Are So Fortunate

My daughter lived in a different era from I. She is truly blessed.. with grandparents doting and loving her so much.. wherelse mine had too much .. or just showered their love to the richer ones, the richer sons and daughters.

My paternal grandmother died really early .. when i was 9 yrs of age, my grandfather wasn’t exactly the most loving grampie on earth. Unfortunately, he died a very lonely death.. with no grandchildren closed to him at all.

My maternal grandmother was in Indonesia, so we only saw her once in my lifetime. I grew up telling ppl that my grandaunt was my grandmother.. because she was the one who brought up my mother. But since she does have her own grandkids..and children.. you can understand.. that her love for us.. her grand nieces were quite sparing.

Therefore, I am very determined to make sure that my daughter is closed to her grandparents.. and her uncles and cousins… unlike the way I was brought up… not knowing your cousins at all.. nor your aunts and uncles. It is a very sad thing.