Lighting Up Outdoors

Since winter is here, you all know how dark it gets and it sure gets dark really early here in Canada. At about 5pm.. it is totally dark out .. and coming home from work at about 6pm.. isn’t fun at all .. especially if the wind is blowing and cold out. So trying to fumble at the keys.. and getting at the keyholes.. with a kid .. in toll .. you know it isn’t much fun.

For folks like us.. outdoor lighting is very important, cause the town that we are in.. does not light up the streets properly. Yes.. you heard me right. The lights are deem on the street and it really doesn’t do much .. for us residents of the town. The only lighted up place in our town.. is where all the big boys are. During the winter.. you probably think that the street that I am on.. is a ghost town. Some Hollywood directors should probably come use our street for some horror flicks.