I Had Too Much Sex..!!

The things kids say.. and have no shame about it. If my brat say something like this.. in another 10 yrs or so.. to me.. or just about to anyone.. i would most definitely .. dig a hole .. and bury myself in it.. or wish that the grounds would open up .. and swallow me in.

A kid (17 yrs old) was in the store.. a few days ago.. and when i asked her why she wasn’t in school no more.. she said.. because she was expel. I donch quite remembered how the conversation went.. but i found out she had to go for an operation .. to prevent her from having cancer.

Being the naive me.. i asked.. how can one prevent someone from having cancer.. when you don’t have it yet..?? in which she replied, a matter of factly .. “I had too much sex .. with different guys.. and there is a mass in my cervical area.. and they are going to take it out! so i won’t get any cancer”. No remorse, no shame .. no nothing.. but more like .. “it’s not my fault..! it’s the hospital’s or my mother’s” kinda attitude. JOY ..!!! to be her mother..!!