The New Relationship & The Old

I was watching a chinese movie just now.. and saw how the couple was snuggling up to each other.. and thought about my own relationship. You know in the beginning of a new relationship.. we snuggle up with our ex-b/fs .. or ex-husband.. or the present one.. so tightly .. and cannot let go. Sleep also must hold hands type..?? You remember those days..?? And after many years.. if one has got no kids.. still snuggle abit lah.. !! but once we have kids.. aiyoh..!! cannot wait to go to bed.. and snore quickly.

Now donch you think “ang mohs” are any different ok..!!! what you see on movies. .and tvs.. are not exactly true lah..! maybe there are couples who are loving and snuggly still after having a few kids.. but how many can say.. they are still feeling the same when they first met their spouse..?? Honestly you tell me.. and share notes ??