My First Tim’s Coffee

My first Tim Hortons coffee after 3.5 weeks. Ahhhh..!!! bliss..!! I had my first surgery to remove my fibroids.. and had a hysterectomy in the meantime. But a week after surgery.. i had to go into the hospital again.. for an emergency laparoscopic surgery. Now the second surgery was more a shocking one.. because we didn’t know what was happening and threw my recovery time backwards instead of forward.. which by the way . .. i resent deeply.

Anyhow.. i hope this is all behind me now.. and i’m aiming to bring my weight down to 59kg.. !! wish me luck.. eh..! I haven’t started journaling my operation yet.. but i will as soon as i feel better. All of you should watch out for it.. because i have very graphic pictures.. and only one person had seen it so far. Check with Barb.. how gross it is.. if you want. When i am done writing my experience.. i’ll let you know where my health blog is. But you can also visit my food blog in the meantime.. and drop a comment.. 🙂 Ice Cube Junkie