I Die With No Regrets

Last night at dinner time.. i had Chloe alone with me .. because Keegan needed to send her dad back home first before she can get her car. I prepared Chloe’s dinner.. and gave her a little pop for a treat for being good. While i was makiong my own dinner.. she called out to say that she dropped her pop onto the floor.

I told her it’s alright.. and that i was gonna help her clean up in a minute… since i was cooking. When i got into the computer room, the little cup was on the carpet with the straw too. I had a towel with me.. and guess what she said to me..??

“You can’t bend down mom..!!! i’ll help you to clean .. !! come give me the towel..!! ” And she took the towel from me.. and tried cleaning the floor. It was a very touching and amusing moment for me. What is a spot or two on the carpet .. when you have a 4.5 yrs old.. who knows and cares for you .. the way she did. We did bring her up well.. and I die with no regrets. She is only 4.5 yrs old.. and she is compassionate and sensible. I am truly proud of her. My greatest achievement in my life .. as i’ve always told PB is not having traveled the world twice… but giving birth to my daughter. I am truly blessed and thank God everyday for her. What is your greatest achievements..??