The Art Of A Good Union/Marriage

So what is the art of a good marriage or union.. ?? we all know that in any relationship.. it is an uphill task. Having a wedding ceremony. .and a reception . .and for those from home.. a huge wedding dinner. .in the fanciest restaurant.. is just the beginning. .and not the end of all the hoo – haas with your life together.

I don’t professed to be an expert .. or a old timer.. but i think a good combination of having a spouse and the in-laws who don’t get all agitated or upset with little stuff.. may be the key to a good union. PB and the in-laws. .they don’t sweat the smart stuff.. on top of everything.. they don’t interfere. The man is not tied to his mother’s apron strings .. that is a plus too. Plus, he doesn’t get all worked up.. when i am.. so we are never in the same fight at the same time.

What is your deal with a good marriage/union..?? pray tell.