Why Is My Husband Different From Yours..?

My girlfriends from home asked me this all the time. My blogging friends.. also asked me this all the time. Of course, there are some who donch believe that PB does alot of housework.. if not more than 50% but if you know me well enough .. you will know that i’m not boasting. I have my MIL who will gladly come online to confirm it.. and of course.. a good blogging buddy who would also come online to tell you the same. So what is my secret..??

Rule #1 – Do not be hero. Let the man help .. even if it it the smallest most insignificant matter.

Rule #2 – Never tell your man, he didn’t do it right ..or that he didn’t do it well. If he wipe the table and still got rice .. never mind. Donch lah .. sweat the small stuff.. just pick up the rice quietly .. and throw it away.

Rule #3 – Always praise the man.. even though you may not think it is necessary.. IT IS..!! in front of your kids.. or even his friends and family.

Always got plans.. let him know in advance .. what you want done .. donch expect him to know when and what he has to do. Men are like kindergarten children.. and sometimes.. need their hands to be held.. and constantly reminded.. in a very nice way. You don’t wanna hurt his feelings.. or make him feel small. His ego very important.

Please feel free to add on .. what you think will make the man in your life different. Cheerio..!