2nd Day Of School


Today marks the 2nd day of real school for Chloe. Bear in mind, we had never put her into any other classes, daycare or even playgroup before. But this morning, because it was a different routine in school, unlike her “ready, set, go” program, she started crying when she had to line up and go into class on her own. We did stay abit more.. gave her some more hugs and all.. but i saw her still sobbing when we left.


I know that this is a growing process and we all go thru’ it. I still remembered my days during kindy.. but i survived right..?? so will my brat. But still it doesn’t mean i can’t feel abit like crying too eh..?? Bwwwwwwwaaaahhhhh..!!! ok.. just abit. I’m alright now. And yes.. she wanted her hair tied up today.