I Don’t Wanna Go To School..!!!

Sorry, I haven’t updated on Chloe’s schooling stuff, that is because we had to deal with her not wanting to go to school no more .. after coming home on Friday. On Saturday morning onwards.. she kept saying she didn’t wanna go to school. We threatened .. we cajoled.. we did everything.. or rather I did everything. Yes.. finally even looking up on the internet to see what to do .. that was after midnite on Saturday.. Sunday morning.. plus screaming at PB too.

Yes.. yes..!! i’m an ultra B.I.T.C.H. But mummies around the world will understand.. sympathize and know exactly where i’m coming from. .and where i’m going from here. I panicked..!! of course..!! why wouldn’t I . .afterall, i am but a woman right..?? The man was the calm one.. and of course .. he got the brat to say she wanted to go to school on Sunday.. thus making me a liar..!!

I even went to the extend of emailing her teacher.. to give her a heads up..on what she was to expect on Monday morning. Picture a screaming kid.. and not letting go of her mama .. and puke and snort.. and fiery red face. You get the picture eh. But her teacher was really awesome..!! she replied.. albeit late.. but still she was there Monday morning.. to hold Chloe’s hand and brought her into class. Yes..! all went well.. “phew” ..! and chicken shit neighbour selling shit on Facebook.. but that’s for another story . and another day.