Moonlight Resonance Episode 38 – So Sad..!! What Happened To Mah Mah..!!!

BWWWAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! what happened to mah mah..!!!! aiyoh..!! too sad lah..!! i wanna cry.. big time lah..!!! how can lah.. Ah Hong do that to mah-mah..!! how can Kun Ka Kid marry Yu So Chow???!!!?? Anyways.. Moonlight Resonance Episode 38 only the Mandarin Version is out.. but for people like me hor.. we cannot wait right.. and i’m sure you are the same.. so head over .. watch directly from my entertainment blog. Enjoy..! donch forget to share your thoughts.. with me!! this is too exciting..! i hate to see it end.