Report Phone Numbers

Every other day we get a call from this certain number and at first we didn’t know what to think, especially when we kept missing the call. Well, finally one day we did pick up the call from this strange number and apparently it was from some gimmicky “you won a cruise” place. It was annoying and it was only a recording about the so called winning, and it left no instructions on how to remove ourselves from it’s call list. I’m sure you have one or two calls that you want to avoid picking up, therefore, for people like us it’s great that we can report phone numbers like these to let others know what these calls are about. That way they don’t have to fret about missing an important call when it was really just some scammers calling. I certainly would have found it helpful had I known this site back then, that way I don’t have to worry and get paranoid that I was missing something important.