When Easterly Showers Falls On The Sunny West Episode 18

When Easterly Showers Falls On The Sunny West Episode 18 links is up for your download, hop over to my entertainment blog eh. Just for everyone’s info.. i do have the links for the ones for english subtitles.. but i never did published it here because no one ever asked me. But it’s good lah.. coz’ can pengshan you know. Some ppl want Megavideo to watch online. Some ppl donch like Megavideo. Some like with Mandarin. Some only want You Tube. Some only want download links from Sendspace. Some wants the links from File Factory. Wow..!! darn pengshan lah..!! but i do try.. and make everyone happy. But you all get the hint right… i do try.. so if you need any special link.. let me know.. i usually obliged.