Giving In

As you all know .. we have been having a little trouble with chloe wanting to go to school. Even though today was not such a bad morning.. we have been quite worried about it. And like any parent.. we try to her every whim and fancies.. because we didn’t want to stress her anymore than she already is.

But the girl sure knows how to manipulate us.. as I came to realize this evening. She would ask for junk food, from chips to french fries.. and then lollipop or a Simpsons tv show .. even some english saddles for the horse that Santa was gonna bring her this Christmas. Now of course, at that time.. i agreed.. but after this evening… i realized that i shouldn’t be doing this.. because then she knows we are gonna try and bribe her to go to school.

So tonite.. i’ve decided.. that if Chloe cannot cope in school .. after her Christmas break.. i’m gonna pull her out.. and send her to pre-school.. and wait for another year .. before sending her again. Afterall, it is not fair to the poor kid right..?? so if she is not ready.. she is not ready. I’ve already spoken to 2 pre-schools today.. no thanks to PB (for he was put to tasks for more than 2 years for it).. and am ready to move chloe once Christmas is over.