Jewelry & I

I’m sure you know by now that I’m a picky shopper when it comes to buying jewelry. For one, I have to like the design and secondly the price has to be right. Like any woman on earth, we pride ourselves in knowing where and what to get at the right time. For Designer Jewelry that we like, I need to make sure that i can justify spending the money since it is not a necessity but a luxury and I’m sure you know where I’m coming from.

I also like to pick unique pieces of jewelry and not those that are mass produced because it can be quite embarrassing to be seen with the same piece of jewelry as someone else in a cocktail. Holsted Jewelers have a wide range to suit anyone’s budget, plus they offer free shipping and guarantee each and everyone of their pieces of jewelry. You can’t go too wrong with a place that had been doing jewelries for more than 30 yrs eh.