Kids Swimming

Chloe is 5.5 yrs old now.. and she is into a lot of things, like all good parents, we want to make sure that she is an all -rounder. We wanna make sure she eats well, learn the right stuff, stay healthy and also make the right choice, even though she is only 5.5.

So she just started swimming a few weeks ago and loves it and one can only hope that she will continue loving such a healthy sport and since summer is round the corner, I am hoping that this year, we can do a lot more with her than we did the previous years. We are going for movies and letting her do other stuff with her babysitter.. and she seems to be getting a better grasps of expressing herself too. Luckily, in this age and time, we have digital camcorders to help us to record her every milestones and every achievements as well as other things. I bet my mom would be really disappointed that she didn’t even owned a camera thing – for those things were expensive some 50 yrs ago.