The Fussy Eater

By now – you all know that I have a very fussy eater on hand. Unfortunately, for us – the school do not seems to understand how fussy our lil’ brat is – therefore, we try to order lunches for chloe from school – when we see something that she might eat. And if she doesn’t – we hope the teacher will see it and understand why we have to make a trip to school everyday to bring her food.

So this week, they had ham and pancakes but Chloe only ate like half a pancake for lunch – that’s not good at all but at least she was honest about it and told us the truth about how much she ate. Anyhow, PB was joking that no more lunches from school – that way he doesn’t have to give up his Padron for the brat’s lunch. But seriously, I’m not gonna fret about it – i used to – but for now – i’m just gonna count my blessings and be glad she is eating fruits – tofu, noodles and rice.