Community Service

When I was much younger – my school used to make us do community service – to instill compassion in us ? I think anyway. So we would visit the blind – the orphanage – the old age home, I used to raise funds for these homes too and enjoyed it tremendously. Now that Chloe is in school, her school too brings her to visit the senior’s home – they don’t called it the old age home here. Chloe would come home and asked us why certain people are sick and why are they sick – how are they sick – when did they get sick. What is cancer?  yes! lots of questions – and we all know that you can’t just give a flippant answer – for they are way smarter than we were – when we were kids.

But how do you tell a 6.5 yrs old about illness and pain and why they are in the senior’s home and not at home with their family? Yes! lots of tricky questions here and to be answered carefully – that’s for sure. After reading some parental guide magazines – I’ve decided to read up more on these illnesses before talking with Chloe about it. I’m also to keep it simple and be honest about it and be prepared for more questions – and if I didn’t know about it – I’m to be honest about it too. So wish me luck! what about you ? you come across any difficult questions yet? we have had quite a few of late – kids are really way smarter than we were – when we were kids. hahah!