Bad Words

We own a store and we see many kids come thru’ our store and some does have a foul mouth – and it seems that their parents can’t do anything about it. I told PB we should count our blessings – because Chloe knows – that there are “bad words” on tv and wants us to shut the show off when it is on TV. So what makes our kid different from the kids who comes into our store screaming profanity at their parents? I sat down and thought about it.

Kids knows what is right and wrong – even from a very young age – you have to give them enough credit for it. And to say that your kid don’t know better – it is just an excuse. The reason why Chloe doesn’t repeat the bad words and wants us to shut the show down – when she hears something bad is because we as parents – are appalled by foul languages and we showed it – therefore Chloe quickly picked up from us – and knows that it’s a bad thing to even listen to foul languages – much more repeat it. So the kids who shouts profanity at their parents at our store – must have parents shouting the same – at their kids at home or other places – therefore – the kids do the same to their parents when the need arises and they don’t get their way. So parents – be careful – how you talk to your kids – because what they become – is what you are now.