Consistency and Consequences

We bought a new coffee machine for the store – and when Chloe saw it – she wanted to try it – we were all ready to let her press a button – but the machine didn’t want to work properly – but when i was messing around with it – the coffee came out. So of course, she started whining and balling her eyes out. I let her waste a cup of water with no coffee in it – and let her calm down – about 10 minutes later – while her grammie was at the store – I told Chloe she wasn’t allowed to go to the after school program on Wednesday like we had planned to let her go – because she acted all crazy for nothing. It was time to teach her consequences and that things doesn’t necessary need to go her way all the time. Mostly, she is a good girl – but this girl doesn’t like to lose nor does she like it when she doesn’t get her way. Well, I told Chloe – the quicker she learns that she isn’t going to get everything she wants – the sooner she won’t be let down so easily.