This year with the store doing so much better and with our health all good, we figured we should give back to society and do more charitable work. We have given more time locally to do charitable work and also given out more stuff from the store whenever someone approached us. Recently, we have given something expensive and donated money to a local cause that we felt was neglected by the government and we are raising funds for this group. Many years ago, I’ve heard about a car donation service and what it does for people from different countries. PB and I had discussed about doing a bigger donation at the end of this year – besides giving to Haiti as Haiti had been the town’s main priority for years. Hopefully, we are able to give back more with the more we make but we want to do it as low key as possible, that way people won’t be jealous that we are making money enough to give away. You never know how people think and I guess there are the odd people around – who would try to do you harm when all you want to do is to do good unto others. So lesson learned, we want to continue donating but quietly.