Enjoying The Summer

This year’s summer – we are trying to enjoy it to the max with Chloe, I think because of the death of Grammie that had taken us all by surprised and also really woke me up – that spending time with Chloe is a lot more important than anything.  I don’t want to die with regrets that I didn’t do much with Chloe and that she grows up not knowing what it would have been like to do this and that with me as a mom.  So I’m trying my darnedest to do what is right by her.  Sure we do send her to summer camp still but that’s because we want to make sure she is out in the sun a little bit and be able to interact with other kids and that her social skill will continue to improve and that she learns to share and other common courtesy stuff.  But this year, we’ve done a lot more with her than we usually did before and I hope that we will continue to do more with her before the summer ends.

She had also been to game arcade when we were on holiday and we’ve taken trip out of town twice already – so hopefully before the summer ends we will go up to the city again for a few days to do whatever she wants.  I don’t want to just make money and forget about giving Chloe the childhood she deserves.  Making money is important but Chloe is way more important than money.