When I was very little, my parents used to talk about the importance of a pension and annuity from the pension back home in Asia. Unlike in Asia, in the West, not every company provide their employee with such a plan, therefore, or should I say especially if you lived in the West, it’s important to know or place for your potential income in the future. My best friends who migrated to USA knows all about the tax sheltered annuity and different kind of annuity and seeing the recent event of another friend going through a divorce, I feel a need to be informed with regards to any potential income I can get when I’m too old to work. They say the earlier you plan, the better it is for both your spouse and your children, so my advise to all Asians who migrated to the West, please look out for yourself and your future as well, do not wait for something to happen in your marriage before scrambling to make ends meet.