Keeping Busy With Arts & Crafts

I’m constantly looking out for things to keep Chloe busy, like swimming, karate, art classes, music classes etc – unlike PB he is quite happy if she wasn’t doing anything.  It’s not that he doesn’t know that the kid needs to be kept occupied all the time else she complains that she is bored.  So I’m always on a look out for event to bring her like this Paper event held in town that I just found out a few days before it happened.  I made sure that we got up early and made sure she gets to get involved in it – and not just a browser.  So is it a man thing ?  or is it just my man thing?  *sigh*  sometimes i feel that I have to do so much planning on my own – and my only consolation is PB doesn’t say no to any of my plans.  Thank God !  else he sure kenna!