Folks always think that our business became successful overnight but little do they know all the trials and errors we’ve gone thru’ before we are where we are today. But even today, we don’t splurge and spend frivolously on ourselves nor the store. Of course, we get what we need but if we can save on anything we would. When it comes to buying stuff or doing things for both home and the store, PB is the one that is good with the money. We do all our business cards with an online business card printing place and still do now and if there is one advice we can give to anyone is to start small and save wherever and whenever you can. Don’t need to use big companies for your printings or anything unless absolutely necessary. I know of many young entrepreneurs who would buy the most expensive stationary or print the most expensive business cards from big company only to end up in debt or closing its shop in less than 6 months. Our business card is plain and simple and it serves it purpose and we are still doing alright with it.
40th Birthday
It was PB’s birthday yesterday and being 40 and quite successful I might add – he should be really happy but this is also the first birthday without his mother. For the last 39 yrs, Grammie had been baking him his birthday cake but this year Aunt Helena did the baking and we had a small celebration. I write this with mixed feelings – bitter sweet actually, sad that the mother-in-law is no longer around but happy that Aunt Helena stepped up and is staying with us this holiday season.On the same note, PB is 40 – so I no longer feel that i’m that much of a cradle robber now – hahahah!
An iPad Mini For Kids
I for one don’t like to buy expensive gadget or game consoles for my kid – for she is only 8 yrs old. So what made me change my mind and bought her a mini iPad – you asked. Well, I was convinced by my online blogging friends that with the current app that Apple offers, Chloe might benefit from it – not only in playing games but also learning school work. So yes, I broke down and bought this for her for Christmas – PB wasn’t too keen on it – but since I wanted it for Chloe, he agreed. We couldn’t get it at Staples – because they didn’t have it in stock, so we ordered from Apple directly. It was easy and we even get to put on personalized engraving free of charge. The mini iPad took a few weeks to arrive – but we are happy about it.
Annual Fund Raising For Chloe’s School
Yup! it’s that time of the year again! my fund raising drive is here for Chloe’s school. We started late this year because we had been so busy both at the store and home front. This year I hope to raise as much as we did last year or more – wish me luck!
Folks must be thinking why I raised fund so aggressively for the school – but I only do it once a year and it’s for a good cause – afterall, my kid also use the school right and one has gotta help out the school wherever possible not? I hope the school will continue to do a good job – I really liked the present Principal a lot!
I’m A Pretty Lucky Woman
We just got back from the city a few days ago – and looking at all the things that I’ve bought not only for Chloe but myself and all the food that I’ve eaten – and most importantly having my girlfriend on this trip with us – and PB didn’t say anything but drove us around for hours. I’m a pretty lucky woman because PB treats my friends just as good as I do to them. I do have to count my blessings and not ask for anything more – for this man is with me thru’ good times and bad. I remembered each time I’m in the hospital – he was with me all the time – sleeping in the most uncomfy cot – I don’t know what I would do without him. He supports my every decision and backs me up in time of need and put up with all my crazies and he is a smart man too – very smart in fact.
The Kid Can Sing
Yes ! she loved to sing and she loved singing to us and dancing a lot – so when we found a karaoke machine for cheap – we decided to get it for her for Christmas – now to look for a karaoke microphone and we will be all set for her singing career. But seriously, since she loved to sing so much, we decided maybe we should look for a voice teacher to develop this talent. And I’ve heard that singing in public can help build confidence in your kids – so maybe, if we encouraged her to sing not only to us but to other people as well, she may stand up for herself and speak up to her teachers if she needed anything. As of now, she still doesn’t speak up when she needs help or if someone is bullying her.
My Childhood & My Daughter’s
My childhood is so different from my daughter’s – even though we don’t buy everything she wants, she definitely has a lot more than I did when i was a kid. But like everyone said and taught – stuff ain’t important – it’s the lesson you learn from the things you get that is most important and I truly believed in that but I sometimes cannot helped but want to give more to Chloe everytime. I had to curb and stopped myself many a times that’s why I liked to bring PB for shopping because he doesn’t go crazy about buying things for chloe. Unlike me, I would just buy anything I see that is cute or suitable for the kid even without her asking for them.
Sometimes, I feel it’s me wanting to compensate myself for not having the things Chloe can have – and that can be very dangerous! So I try to be careful at times when I am so enthusiastic and gung ho about giving more to Chloe than she needs. I’m sure I’m not the only one doing that – so are you actively reminding yourself to be careful how you spend so that your kids don’t pick up wrong values in life? I hope so – even though it can be hard sometimes, especially those who can afford it.
Buying For Christmas
We started early this year buying for Christmas and I remembered about the craft show at the hotel in town this year. In fact, we went there to view and buy the 2 days the vendors were there. Unfortunately, the favorite vendor that I was set to buy and spend money with and on – didn’t show up this year. That was really a bummer! I wanted to get the Grinch but Chloe was scared of it – so in the end I got a penguin. They were all priced reasonably and I really loved to support our local vendors if possible.
This year’s Christmas – I decided that I would buy whatever I want – afterall, you only lived for so long – why not make yourself happy right? I’m just glad that we don’t have to worry about money anymore – Thank God! and in fact, we are able to help others with what we have – and I intend on doing it often – help others.
Friendship In Canada
Halloween Doesn’t Have To Be Scary
Saw this at a yardsale but was too late – but my g/f is trying really hard to get it for me, I think they are too cute – don’t you. Halloween need not be scary or creepy, it can be anything but. I loved these very clever yet simple doll all dressed up. I know Chloe would loved it. Chloe has decided to be a cowgirl this year – so it’s gonna be very cheap for us this year – woohoo!