Summer Holiday Begins 2010

So the summer holidays begin for us here in Canada and tomorrow will be Canada’s day. PB is going to be so busy – he won’t be able to visit enzyte very often because he has to look after the store and also look after Chloe. And yes, we do have plans for the brat – but we don’t know how it is going to go.

Summer camp is in plan – but like the previous years – we don’t know how she is going to take to the summer camp. We planned to send her to her grandparents – but they are very busy in the garden too – and if we send Chloe – they won’t be able to do much because Chloe doesn’t like to be outside. But we had planned to put a trampoline at her Grampie’s but that didn’t happen because her Grampie fears that there may not be a flat plain for the trampoline. In the end, we have it up at our backyard instead. We had bought another bike for her – so she can have one at her grandparents but again, it’s hard to ride on grass and in the end we brought it back – because the neighbour’s kid had theirs out the other day and won’t share with Chloe.

So yes, we did have plans – but like usual even the best laid plans may not turn out the way we want – so we are all keeping our fingers crossed – else I would just have to stop what i do online and take care of Chloe on my own.

First Year In School

So Chloe’s first year in school is finally over – school ended! woohoo!! and she passed and going to Grade 1 next year. Her year in school did not go as smoothly as we’ve hope that it would be – but despite all the boo-ha – i am very proud of our lil’ brat who loves peanut butter cookie that she made with her Grammie.

Her teacher said she was a hard worker and aimed to please and that she has improved tremendously. It is definitely her old school’s lost for not taking better care of Chloe and allowing her to get traumatized by the other boy for so long. We are still watchful even in her new school – but i really think she does like her new school a lot better. At least they donch have parents smoking outside the school while bringing their kids to school or picking them up.

Having A Westerner For A Father

So it is Father’s Day today – how did you all celebrate yours? We had a simple meal in a restaurant and that was it – i didn’t get any thing for PB – we’ll wait till Chloe is older – but Chloe did give something she made at school for her daddy. It was a very cute handicraft. And we headed out to PB’s parents and bought him a bottle of rum.

My own father was never a father to me – in fact – i used to lie to my friends and co-workers that he was dead. Less questionings and no need to tell grandmother stories – much easier. But over here- i made a mistake by telling the truth – thus giving me an excuse to rant about my good for nothing dad.

What is it like to have an “ang moh” – Westerner for a dad? One thing for sure – nothing like the Asian men I know from home – who won’t even change the baby’s diapers when the wife’s hands are full. PB is a very hands on dad – he does most of the major stuff. You see my health haven’t been good – ever since having Chloe. Poor PB is the one who does all the heavy chores and also the responsible stuff – like medication and testing of fever temperature. He makes breakfast for the brat everyday, wakes her up for school everyday and brings her to school everyday and before that – packs up her snack box everyday too.

Back home things are quite different – I never had a father while i was growing up – I chose well – for Chloe’s daddy – and I know that he loves Chloe enough to wipe her poopie even now – or change her or do anything for her. I cannot say that much for my father nor my brothers – who were taught that these dirty work were meant for the wives. Having an “ang moh” for a daddy is certainly a blessing – this one anyways. What about yours?

Honesty In My Child

So we were in school this morning to catch Chloe’s home room teacher to see how, we can meet up with them for their walk about trip and we met the Teacher’s assistant as well. She quickly thanked us for the cake that we had bought for her – last week, in which i had pointed out that it was Chloe’s idea. Well, guess what the Chloe said ” No .. it wasn’t me – i didn’t even know!!” oh mannn!!! hahahahha!!! but it’s the truth – it was an impromptu thing we did – because we had given her home room teacher a potted plant. Chloe is so honest, I better not show her our business credit reports when she is older, else she might just blurt out everything to all the customers at our store. Muahahah!! now that would be embarrassing.

My Kids Don’t Lie

Hahahah!! Surrreeeeeeeee.. sisters! they don’t exactly lie especially when they are very young because in order to lie – they have to know exactly what they are saying is false. They have to understand the difference between a lie and the truth. So they are either fibbing or making up their own fantasy – they think it is a joke (well – to chloe anyways). But as she grew older – we can also see the difference between fibbing and “lying” to get outta trouble and/or protect themselves against unwanted punishment or rebuking.

Just like what happened to the office furniture we were looking at – and it accidentally fell over at the showroom. Chloe insisted it wasn’t her – and that she didn’t touch it and started crying and said she didn’t do nothing. We never even start to scold her or accused her but she immediately thought that she was in trouble. As parents, we have to know why our kid is reacting this way – for Chloe we figured it was because she didn’t wanna look “bad” – or presumed as being a “bad” kid – therefore, she started wailing.

So our actions and body language – expression on our faces – has gotta be careful – don’t think your kid don’t know what he/she is up against because she reads you like a book too. But yes, if you catches your kid lying – explained to them – that a lie is hurtful and asked them how they would feel if someone said that to her? Focus on fixing the problem together and explain why the truth is important. So good luck – everyone ! I’m sure I will be needing it too.

I Don’t Wanna !

Yes ! Chloe is currently in this mode of late – everything you asked her to do – even if it was just eating something – she replies ” i don’t wanna!” It’s like a bad eczema that don’t want to go away. And then of course, she was ill for more than 10 days – so when she finally got better and became really sassy – i threatened to throw her stuff away. In which – it sent her on a howling session. Yes! Monstermom 101 here – sometimes I too wonder if i am not spending enough time with her. Children needs attention and i do pride myself as giving her as much as I can – for all her life – she is with us – even at work. Even when we got a babysitter for her – the sitter had to be the one to come to us – and be with us at work. So what is triggering all these sassyness?

Last nite – i dropped everything that i was doing and be there for her after she had her supper. I read to her – played with her and noticed a vast difference – maybe it’s because she doesn’t like me working too much – and talking to the customers too much – I guess it’s just a phase – and summer is on its way – school ends in less than a month. Can’t be sending her to her grammie’s everyday eh – so yes – better plan to spend more time with the kid – don’t want her to grow up to be bad.

Taking A Back Seat With This Town

Many moons ago, I would have gone on a rant when anything happens in this town – but when my Chloe wasn’t taken care of when she was in the other school – when a little boy was bothering her for months – that was when I decided I will take a back seat where this town is concerned. When you lived in this town – you won’t even need apidexin to loss weight – because this town just aggravates the hell outta you. The decisions that the town councils and the MLAs – even the Premier makes just makes no sense to me.

A few weeks ago, the school board announced some changes with the school system – normally i would also pitch in my say by now – but these days – i just take care of my own – and do well for my kid and my family. Why? like i anticipated – no matter how much picketing you might want to go on – or open a Facebook page to protest – guess what – they will still stick to their decisions – like the rest of the town – when they decide on something to their benefit – and won’t be defeated.

The people who runs this town – to me are just doing things to save their faces – they won’t back down because they all have their own agenda – there is no the greater good here. It is for each his own here – so no – from that day after March Spring break – i told myself – to me my own too.

Kids & Jewellery

I never planned to buy jewelery for my kid – in fact – i feel that they wouldn’t know how to appreciate it at this age. Afterall, she is only 6 yrs old and won’t know any better – but I rather buy her jewelry whereby she can appreciate and keep for her own kids instead of costume jewelry or toy jewelry that she throws away and forget all about it after one day.

So while up in the city – earlier this month looking for life insurance lead, we found a Swaroski store in Halifax – and of course, we had to look for stuff for the princess – she don’t know the value of it – except that it is shiny and pink – but this swaroski crystal is definitely worth the $50 something dollars we paid for it – it shines even without any lighting. You see had i been back in Singapore – i bet i would be buying gold for her – but here in Canada – gold for children is a no – no. So tell me what is your take on children and jewelry ? while back home – it’s a way of showing off – here in Canada – it’s a way of show good taste.

Relationship With A Foreigner

So you think that you survive a long-distance relationship or even fall in love with a foreigner and live happily ever after? Before we even begin – let me tell you about the dark circles under eye, from the time difference we have here and Asia. And for those who are not aware of this – most of the “angmohs” i’ve met can be very quick to fall in love and also to fall outta love.

Why do i say that? well, we have a long time friend who just came back from Calgary – and he came out of a very bad relationship. When he first visited us – a few weeks ago – he swore never to see another “crazy” Canadian again – hahah!! apparently, the one he was with or left – was psychoville. But guess what today, he was in the store and happily introduced a woman to me – and called her the love of his life. *slap forehead* – well i can understand if the woman was a beauty or with legs or bums or whatever – but this one – *ahem* – no legs, no looks, no body, no hair, no nothing – if you know what i mean.

Plus he isn’t the first person doing this since I’ve been here for the last 10 yrs – relationships in this town can be as flimsy as your napkins these days it seems. It saddens me – to see people treat relationship this way. So if you are thinking of having relationship with a foreigner – well, i have only one advice – make sure you spend enough time long – distance with him to know that he is worth it.

Long Flight With A Kid

As you all know – i’m long overdue home – and even if i don’t go home – i need to go renew my passport in Toronto or Vancouver at the latest next summer. So we all know how expensive flights are even for a kid – and they pay full price after they turn 2 or 3 yrs old. So when Chloe was playing with her boxes – we had this brilliant idea to pack her up in a fedex box and ship her home – now that would be really cheap – muahhahah!! nah .. we were joking. But yes, to travel such a long haul with a kid can be quite daunting – especially one that doesn’t wanna go on an airplane.

But if we could ship her this way back to Singapore – i’m pretty sure – her godma in Singapore would be pleased – hahaha!! So we are gonna try a short trip this summer either to Toronto or Portland, Maine – that way we can ease her into flying and then she will know that after her vacation – she can come back home because her protest was – she didn’t wanna leave home. She thinks that if we go back to Singapore – we won’t be coming back to Canada.