No Father, No Mother Teach

Yah..!! if you kenna my mother..!! she would definitely say.. some ppl here got no father..! no mother teach..!! or worst.. got mother to give birth to.. but no father to teach..!!

That’s how i feel about some ppl here..!! so damn rude..!! Come into my business.. and borrow my business phone.. nevermind..! i loan you..! you not my customer .. nevermind!! i still loan you ..! I mean .. if you were my customer hor.. even if you only spend $3 a week at my store.. I also consider you a good customer. But these ppl .. never spend a single cent at my store.. come in and wanna borrow my phone.. also nevermind.. we lend you the phone.

But after using my business phone.. hand me back the phone.. and thank you .. also never say..!! like i owe you or what..??? then just pat, pat the backside.. and leave.. without even looking back..!! Wah Lau Oiii..!!! Some more old woman with a teenage son.. both mother and son.. not a word of thanks..!! Really .. no father, no mother teach..!!! Really “pu huai” you know..!! even my 3.5yrs old knows better..!! KNNCCB..!!

New Computer for Sale

We will ship it to anywheres in Canada and US.

Just built a new system for sale. $499 Cdn.

Sempron 3200+
512mb DDR2 RAM, 52X CD-RW
80GB SATA Hard Drive
Abit Motherboard with onboard GeForce 6100 Video
Speakers, Keyboard & Optical Mouse
Antec Minuet Piano Black case
OS and Monitor not included

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Teach Your Kids Pleaseeeeee…!!!

OMG..!! another one of those case.. where kids goes wild in our store..!! but this ain’t as bad as the one we had yesterday..!!!

Customer comes in with kids to get work done on puter.. and OMG ..!! kids run wild.. !! and take everything out .. from the shelves.. and even go into the security camera box.. and opened it.. to see what’s inside. While the younger kid rides on one of chloe’s bike.. the older one.. wanted to ride on chloe’s Dora bike. The kid doesn’t understand .. that he is too heavy for the bike.. and then they messed with Chloe’s Dora tables and chairs.. and wants to go into the tent .. and then mess up the other stuff in the store.. and worst of all.. tries running outta the store.. several times..!!

My chloe went to the croc store for some shoes with PB .. and all she did was sit .. on the bench.. of the store.. and wait for PB to be done. She did get a wee bit cranky at the end.. because she wanted a croc.. and they didn’t have her size.. other than that… PB said.. she behaved.. and didn’t do those things.. that those kids did at our store. And if she was.. she would have been taken outta the store immediately .. instead of being left to wreck someone’s store. We won’t allow it..! period…!

I’m very sorry too..!

So does it mean .. i donch have to pay for my parking tickets..?? or property taxes.. or business tax..??? Some ppl can be so freaking ridiculous..!! and it pisses me off so much.. not even because of the money they refuses to pay for their late movies/games.. because the amount is so insignificant.. even my 3.5yr old toddler.. would snigger if she knew what the commotion was about.

For $1.50, some ppl really got the time.. and taking alot of effort just to not pay it. I can understand if the person/customer is poor or on welfare.. or have a ton kids to feed but Nooooo… sir..! this person .. earns good money.. and well.. even if you donch earn good money.. are you .. gonna quibber about $1.50.. ??? Can you believed it.. ?? he told PB i had said.. i was gonna waived it..?? HOLY SHIT..!! HOLY CRAP..!!! so stingy for what..??? you need to make a living.. we also need to make a living.. but donch be like dat lah..!! 1.50 also donch wanna pay..!!!! already our rentals and everything else is the cheapest in town.. yet can die.. wanna save 1.50 at our expense..?? So i told PB .. we should go to his working place.. and said.. “I’m very sorry too” .. then we donch need to pay for groceries, taxes, parking fines.. and water/telephone bill. ka..????

Some ppl really make me “pu huai” you know..!! so “kiam siap” until like that..!!! worst than those ppl who are on welfare..!! at least they pay us.

The Before and After

If you do not have a strong stomach, please do not continue. This computer was brought in by a customer yesterday for PB to work on.

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This is by far the dirtiest computer we’ve come across in our 8 yrs in business. Look at how much dust was stucked inside the puter.. and again .. i tell you .. it was inside the puter. One can imagine how can a computer work well .. with so much dust right..??
Continue reading “The Before and After”

That time of the Month Again

Nah.. ! i’m not talking about my menses or PMS-ing..! it’s that time of the month.. where everyone in this town tries to sell you something.. and would even sell their grandmother’s panties.. if they remotely think they can get a few bucks outta it.

Yup..! no kidding..! First thing this morning.. after opening store.. some fella came in to sell PB a dreamcast..! Yup.. you heard right.. a dreamcast..! PB gave him a few bucks.. and sent him away.

A few minutes later .. 3 guys came in to try sell PB a PS2 machine. Claimed that the machine worked just fine.. just before they brought it down.. they were playing with it and all. And the only thing that didn’t work was the power button… the light wouldn’t come on. The PS2 machine had been stripped opened before.. and they claimed they donch know why or how.

The 3 guys must think that PB and I was born yesterday..?? and that i come from Timbak-tu! putting up a show for us. The bloody PS2 doesn’t work..!! and they were trying to pull a fast one on us..! Such dishonest ppl also got..??

Continue reading “That time of the Month Again”

Flea Market – 2nd Sunday

The flea market .. on Father’s day was even worst than the 1st Sunday. What a true waste of time..! The only good thing that came outta the flea market was .. our brat gotta get alot of freah air and exercise.

PB went from the flea market to the store.. and only opened up for an hour.. and already made 50bucks..! wherelse at the flea market.. we didn’t even make a sale. He said.. the ppl who went to the flea market were older folks.. and looking for trinklety junk. Looked like the antique seller made the most money that Sunday..!

As for us.. i donch think we will be doing the flea market next week.. might as well open the store instead. Oh well.. never try you never know eh..??

The Adult Room & Men

I donch know if you are aware of it.. but in our store.. we do rent and sell adult movies.. !! yup.. XXX – rated movies. You name it.. we have it.. ! be it Lesbian ones.. Gay ones or bondages.. or grandma’s or jail baits. Yup.. we have it all.. and it right behind the store.. in a room that has closed door. Ok that’s my story of the adult room.

Now the story of “the men”! Now donch get me wrong.. i donch mind having the men come into the adult room.. far from it.. i wished lots of men come in and rent or buy the adult movies. I mean even the women too lah.. but that’s another story .. on another day. Lets get back to the “men”

I have one “man” very “koyak” looking one.. that comes in every other day .. into the adult room.. and sometimes spends as much as 30 minutes in the adult room.. and guess what NEVER ONCE bought any adult movie or rent any from us. Yes.. ! you heard right..!! Why i said .. he “koyak” looking leh..?? that’s because he looks like he has got skin disease all over his face and hands.. ! so yukky right..?? Yalor.. and yet we cannot say.. anything .. coz’ rude ma..!! but then really creepy lor.. this “koyak looking man”!! i mean.. everytime he comes hor.. he is in there .. for like 30mins..!! and then we donch know what he does inside..?? oogle ka.. at all the DVD boxes ka..?? or go in to “shiok sendiri” ka..??? Eeeewwwwkkk..!!

Continue reading “The Adult Room & Men”

Lost and Found or Charitable Org..??

I swear and swear again.. every now and then.. about how the ppl in this town.. never fail to amaze me .. because of the wonderful things they do.

This teenage gal.. would always come by our store.. to ask if we’ve seen her mom..??? What!! we lost and found department ka..???

And then another teenage boy would always come into our store.. and ask the same question . .looking for his mom. What !! we lost and found department ka..??

Continue reading “Lost and Found or Charitable Org..??”

How do they do it..??

A customer was in yesterday.. looking at a small computer part that he needed. It was at 4 bucks each. And he asked PB .. if he was gonna have more of it.. since there was only a few left. And that he would only have money for it .. on the 20th of this month (baby cheque day). PB assured him that there should be more coming in.

After the customer left, PB asked me.. how does this ppl do it..?? not having even 4bucks.. on them.. to get something that they want..?? and having to wait for baby cheque day .. before they can buy something for 4 bucks..!!

Seriously, i donch know how one can live.. waiting for a baby cheque to buy a 4bucks thing. But even I have 4 bucks just in coins.. lying at the bottom of my handbag… not for emergencies.. but change that must have just dropped and accumulated .. during the months.

So yes.. we do meet all sorts of very .. very unique ppl around here.