Teach Your Kids Pleaseeeeee…!!!

OMG..!! another one of those case.. where kids goes wild in our store..!! but this ain’t as bad as the one we had yesterday..!!!

Customer comes in with kids to get work done on puter.. and OMG ..!! kids run wild.. !! and take everything out .. from the shelves.. and even go into the security camera box.. and opened it.. to see what’s inside. While the younger kid rides on one of chloe’s bike.. the older one.. wanted to ride on chloe’s Dora bike. The kid doesn’t understand .. that he is too heavy for the bike.. and then they messed with Chloe’s Dora tables and chairs.. and wants to go into the tent .. and then mess up the other stuff in the store.. and worst of all.. tries running outta the store.. several times..!!

My chloe went to the croc store for some shoes with PB .. and all she did was sit .. on the bench.. of the store.. and wait for PB to be done. She did get a wee bit cranky at the end.. because she wanted a croc.. and they didn’t have her size.. other than that… PB said.. she behaved.. and didn’t do those things.. that those kids did at our store. And if she was.. she would have been taken outta the store immediately .. instead of being left to wreck someone’s store. We won’t allow it..! period…!