Visiting Grampie & Summer Gardening

We visited Grampie today even though we had loads of housework to do.  Firstly, because we were away for 2 weekends and secondly – we wanted to make sure he was alright.  It’s so strange not seeing Grammie around for the summer – I remembered how she was so worried about the garden one year – that even when I was in the hospital – she insisted on going back to help Grampie with the peas and getting the veggies ready for sale for the summer.

Grampie had hired someone to help him but of course, he is nothing like Grammie – afterall, Grammie and Grampie had their own momentum already after being married for so many years.

Grampie is doing the best he can – I’m hoping he will hang on – because people always say when you are marry for so long and one go first – the other tend to go soon too.  I’m so worried and as much as I  want to spend more time with Grampie – there is just so much work for us to do on our own too. *sigh*

Families Are Important

We just came home from an awesome wedding in Moncton, New Brunswick and met up with PB’s extended family – they were a lovely bunch of people.  This year we decided to go because Grammie is no longer with us – and I wished we had gone up to Moncton with her – in another wedding last year.  Little did we know that she was so sick and would have left us so soon.  Seeing PB’s extended family makes me realized more how important it is to be there for the family and know the extended family.   I’ve always thought that we would be taking care of our in-laws when they grow old and need help with their daily care but we didn’t get a chance to do it for grammie – and even though it had been only 5 months since she left – I still cannot believe that she is really gone forever.  So from now on – we will have to take care of grampie and buy all the  home care products  he will need in the future for him.  I’m proud of Grampie because he is holding up so well – he is staying strong and busy.  For those who have a chance to get to spend time and get to know their extended family – don’t take them for granted.

An Awesome Vacation

This vacation that we took to Moncton was a great bonding time for Chloe and us.  We wanted to make sure that the vacation was about her – and we did try to make most stuff about her.  Chloe had a great time swimming, playing games at Crystal Palace and going to Build-a Bear and build herself a new bear plus we bought lots of clothing for her from The Children’s Place in Moncton.  I’m glad that PB was doing his best to make our vacation a good one.  But I came back with a cold – darn!

To Magnetic Hill Zoo

We headed to the Magnetic Hill Zoo after having breakfast at the hotel with the extended family.  But alas, we should have dress lightly – it was way too hot but we did managed to walk a good part of the zoo with Chloe.

Like any zoo – there were lots of animals – and chloe wasn’t too fascinated by them to be honest.

Some goats for petting but Chloe didn’t wanna pet them.

Sisters From Another Mother

We are all Asians but come from different countries but yet – we met in the same place far away from Asia – away from home.  How unique and how mysterious right?  how the universe works and how God has plans for each one of us.  I think it is no short of a miracle that we all met and we all get along so well – on one hand – it must be because we are all Asians and married to Canadians and long for home and a familiar sight.  Migrating is not as fun as people think – it gets really lonely if you don’t have a supportive spouse.  I’m very blessed and lucky – PB had thus far been great with me – he is my support 100%.

She Volunteered

It was raining hard yesterday and since Chloe had no school for the last 3 days – school marking days – she volunteered to mop the floor at the store and clean the store up.  What a good kid I have eh!  Sometimes, when she doesn’t clean up her mess, I forget that she is only 8 yrs old!  I cannot ask for another better kid – I am truly blessed.

Godma Lynn Is Back

Godma Lynn is back in town for a week – and we already had a BBQ at the lodge with her – and it was really fun for Chloe despite the fact that she didn’t wanna get out of the car because there were dogs at the lodge.  PB finally managed to carry her out of the car and get her into the lodge.   We really had fun yesterday at the lodge – lots of good food and good company and I had brought along my korean friend with me to the lodge and she was happy to meet everyone.

For The Love Of My Daughter

Everyone knows that Chloe is the love of my life and I would give anything to keep her safe and happy.  Ever since Grammie passed away, I’ve been thinking alot about my own health as well as PB and a more secure future for Chloe in the event that something does happened to us.  No one wants to be sick or get into an accident but if something does happen to me, I want PB to have time away from work to look after Chloe without stressing about money or what to do with the business.  I looked into some  term life insurance rates  to see if I can up my insurance, because as it is – PB already spent too much time at the store and don’t have much time for Chloe but should something happen to me, I would want him to be with Chloe more than he is right now. Losing a loved one is very devastating and this is the one time, I don’t want Chloe to be on her own and the only way PB can have more time for her is to be able to have enough money to hire others to take care of the store.

Father’s Day Without Grammie

Today marks the first Father’s day without Grammie and many more to come.  Sad of course and we wanted to make sure that Grampie wasn’t alone on this day.  So we had a BBQ and the last time we had a BBQ at Grammie and Grampie’s, Grammie was still around and I believed it was last year’s Father’s day.  Sad.  But Grammie isn’t forgotten like Chloe said – she is always around in our heart and she is alive in Heaven according to Chloe – so sweet yet so sad.  I told PB that this summer I wanna create memories for Chloe – and not just concentrate on making money alone.  You cannot make all the money -but you definitely can make memories with Chloe.

Doing Good Unto Others

This year with the store doing so much better and with our health all good, we figured we should give back to society and do more charitable work.  We have given more time locally to do charitable work and also given out more stuff from the store whenever someone approached us.  Recently, we have given something expensive and donated money to a local cause that we felt was neglected by the government and we are raising funds for this group.   Many years ago, I’ve heard about a  car donation service  and what it does for people from different countries.  PB and I had discussed about doing a bigger donation at the end of this year – besides giving to Haiti as Haiti had been the town’s main priority for years.   Hopefully, we are able to give back more with the more we make but we want to do it as low key as possible, that way people won’t be jealous that we are making money enough to give away.  You never know how people think and I guess there are the odd people around – who would try to do you harm when all you want to do is to do good unto others.  So lesson learned, we want to continue donating but quietly.