The Kid Can Sing


Yes ! she loved to sing and she loved singing to us and dancing a lot – so when we found a karaoke machine for cheap – we decided to get it for her for Christmas – now to look for a  karaoke microphone  and we will be all set for her singing career.   But seriously, since she loved to sing so much, we decided maybe we should look for a voice teacher to develop this talent.  And I’ve heard that singing in  public can help build confidence in your kids – so maybe, if we encouraged her to sing not only to us but to other people as well, she may stand up for herself and speak up to her teachers if she needed anything.  As of now, she still doesn’t speak up when she needs help or if someone is bullying her.

My Childhood & My Daughter’s

My childhood is so different from my daughter’s – even though we don’t buy everything she wants, she definitely has a lot more than I did when i was a kid. But like everyone said and taught – stuff ain’t important – it’s the lesson you learn from the things you get that is most important and I truly believed in that but I sometimes cannot helped but want to give more to Chloe everytime.  I had to curb and stopped myself many a times that’s why I liked to bring PB for shopping because he doesn’t go crazy about buying things for chloe.  Unlike me, I would just buy anything I see that is cute or suitable for the kid even without her asking for them.

Sometimes, I feel it’s me wanting to compensate myself for not having the things Chloe can have – and that can be very dangerous!  So I try to be careful at times when I am so enthusiastic and gung ho about giving more to Chloe than she needs.  I’m sure I’m not the only one doing that – so are you actively reminding yourself to be careful how you spend so that your kids don’t pick up wrong values in life?  I hope so – even though it can be hard sometimes, especially those who can afford it.

Another First Without Grammie

First Halloween without Grammie – one of the many first *sigh*  – so sad but what can one do but to make sure we show our loved ones that we care for them.  But sometimes it is hard to visit because no proper food cooked for the kid in the evenings when we visit and no proper place to eat.  Plus sometimes Grampie is busy with his own stuff to do and cannot spend much time with Chloe when we visit – so it defeats the purpose when Chloe comes home and complains that she didn’t get to spend much time with Grampie now that Grammie isn’t around.  *sigh* but what can we do – we do try and I know Grampie is trying too – I guess he just don’t know how to play with Chloe yet – like Grammie did.  But he is trying and so is Richard.  She thought that Grampie was going to carve a pumpkin with her but in the end PB had to do it for Grampie was busy with other stuff.

Shopping For Christmas Already

Yes! call me crazy but I think if you see some  cheap macanudo cigars  online, you might as well start shopping for Christmas now.  I know that some of the extended family loved the cigars during Christmas time and special occasion, so I figured it would be handy to have on hand when we get invited to Christmas parties or Halloween ones. I only buy things when they are on sale or if they are dirt cheap for I cannot justify buying expensive stuff.  What about you?  are you starting soon?  I’m hoping that this year I would do better than last – buy shopping systematically.

Growing Up With Chloe Grade 3

Today is the start of Grade 3 for Chloe.  She was all excited and wanted to get to school on time.  We put on new clothes for her from Gymboree and The Children’s place and after breakfast, we headed for school.  Got there just in time, because she needed to use the washroom before we left.  She was happy when we left her in her class room and her new teacher seems great and have many years of experience , so I’m sure she will be a happy student this year too.

Special Bonding With A Special Aunt

Chloe doesn’t have an aunt from my side of the family, for I’m not in talking terms with my sister.  I deemed my sister crazy because she never liked that I am better than her in a lot of ways even when we were kids.  If I was smarter than her in school or if I scored higher than her in exams, my sister tried every way to make me look bad in front of my mom and friends.   So no – I don’t want to keep in contact with her.

So when Chloe loves HJ like a real aunt – I am very happy because HJ isn’t my sister but she sure is better than a sister and she sure is good with Chloe.  I cannot be more pleased with this friendship – and I’ve got so many makan kakis now.

To The City To Help A Friend

We are heading up to the city to help a friend pick up some of her stuff from storage and had to cancel our BBQ that was planned because Chloe’s Godma Lynn was going to be in town.  But the way I see it, helping a friend is more important than a BBQ – plus Lynn would also understand.  Anyhow, this is Digby and the weekend is starting to look really good, the drive is thus good, we had taken gravel before we stopped to eat in Digby and this is a restaurant in Digby.  We will stay in the city for 2 nights and 3 days and then head back home before movie day.

I hope no one would be in the position that my girlfriend is currently in now – living out of a suitcase with nowhere to call her home.  I still cannot believed that her ex – can be so cruel as to leave her alone.  He is in for a huge surprise if he doesn’t do right by her soon.

Enjoying The Summer

This year’s summer – we are trying to enjoy it to the max with Chloe, I think because of the death of Grammie that had taken us all by surprised and also really woke me up – that spending time with Chloe is a lot more important than anything.  I don’t want to die with regrets that I didn’t do much with Chloe and that she grows up not knowing what it would have been like to do this and that with me as a mom.  So I’m trying my darnedest to do what is right by her.  Sure we do send her to summer camp still but that’s because we want to make sure she is out in the sun a little bit and be able to interact with other kids and that her social skill will continue to improve and that she learns to share and other common courtesy stuff.  But this year, we’ve done a lot more with her than we usually did before and I hope that we will continue to do more with her before the summer ends.

She had also been to game arcade when we were on holiday and we’ve taken trip out of town twice already – so hopefully before the summer ends we will go up to the city again for a few days to do whatever she wants.  I don’t want to just make money and forget about giving Chloe the childhood she deserves.  Making money is important but Chloe is way more important than money.

Medication and I

I have no trouble taking medication as you all know – but meds are not cheap in Canada and I’m one of the luckier ones who have insurance that will take care of pretty much half of what I have to pay for in my daily meds.  I take a lot of them from medication for diabetes, to high blood pressure and cholesterol as well. Recently, I had to take an anti-depressant because of my anxiety attacks – and that alone cost tons of money.  So I’m really grateful to have gotten the insurance – else I would be like half of the town needing to buy their medication cheap online like  on this website –  and I don’t blame them for doing that – especially if one of the antibiotics cost like $500 for a prescription.   No! I’m so not kidding – a customer of mine had this problem with a sore and it was eating into his flesh – but because he wasn’t insured – he can’t afford to get the meds.  It’s scarey especially since he is diabetic like myself.   So for those who thinks that medication is free in Canada or that Education is free – it’s not entirely true.  To a certain extend they are – but not all.