Father’s Day 2009


So Father’s Day came and went – we didn’t do much.. except go out and eat at Jungle Jim’s .. because they were really value for money and Chloe likes that she gets a toy at the end of her meal. We never celebrate Father’s Day .. when I was a kid… because the father was never home .. he was busy with his concubines.. like my mother would say.. muahahhaha!!!

Which brings me to evaluate my relationship with my father.. and Chloe with hers. PB does almost everything for the brat. From reading to her.. bathing her.. and putting her to bed.. and feeding her medication .. because i’m not good at measuring stuff. My daughter is certainly blessed.. because her father.. is definitely different from mine. Is PB a good father..?? DEFINITELY ..!! he brings her everywhere he goes.. and never leaves her alone .. and if he was gonna game or anything.. it had to be when she was asleep. He doesn’t smoke.. doesn’t drink.. and never buy more things for himself .. than the brat. In everything he does.. the kid comes first. He carries her everytime and everyday.. from the day she was born till now. Put drops in her ears.. put vaseline on her upper lips.. when she has a cold.. cut her nails.. washes her hair – well just about everything.

Chloe cannot ask for a better father.. and I cannot ask for a better spouse. Thank you daddy, for being the best ever daddy..!


Productive Week


I’ve been productive this week, besides preparing for Chloe’s end of her school week next week and a PJ party at her school, concert next week and father’s day celebration, i also had my blood test done and gone to see the results. But I also had to look after Chloe on my own this week because the babysitter was sick for a few days. I had lots of assignments from my favorite advertiser and i finished up my website i was comissioned to do for the Chinese restaurant. Why is Chloe in the torque..?? we were spring cleaning her old clothings.. and had put them in the box to giveaway.. but Chloe wanted it back.. so she wore them to show me that the torque still fit ..! Yes..!! right when we are going into summer .. hahahahha!!! So yes.. it was a productive week.. and the store was busy too..!!

PS : I’ve also updated this blog with a new theme for a summery look.

The Beauty Of Life


The beauty of life is basically up to you – some asked how i make it in a small town with no food .. and no high rise shopping centers and one or two crazy ppl around. But you know what..?? I have a great spouse and a wonderful daughter.. and great extended families here and many good friends/relatives.. a great babysitter albeit she is sick and gets into accidents when i need her the most but she is pretty much a trustworthy and good gal and many good customers. This is how i look at it – the beauty of life is you, you and your family is all that matters. Does it matter how others look at you ..?? I don’t really care pretty much. My conscience is clear, we make an honest living, not on welfare of any kind. But i cannot stand idiosyncrasies and ppl who are pretty much “stupid” and insist on making a mountain outta a molehill – those i just stay away and cut them outta my life very quickly and swiftly. So yes, my bottom line is..?? you are happy if you want to be .. and life is too short to waste on silly stuff. I plan to look at the good side of ppl and bright side of things.. what about you ..?

Like Any Good Parents


Like any good parents you want to nurture your kid and teach them the best you know how and also go beyond and above your own self righteousness to recognize what is the right thing for your kids. So if the brat loves painting, we encourage her to paint. She wants to paint on paper, we buy her paper; if she wants to paint on a glass shelf in the store, we said yes as long as it is the side that doesn’t block the display for our customers.


You also give her a stool so that she is comfy when she is doing it, and some paint and brushes and water and paper towels. But of course she has to do it quietly and not paint beyond that piece of glass panel that we allowed her to paint. We are also prepared to help her clean up, but she has to clean up on her own too when she is done because we want to teach her responsibility and we want to teach her that the world does not revolve around her alone.


As a parent it is easy to want to do everything for your kids, but time and again we have to remind ourselves to step back and let her do her thing. Give her the freedom, enjoy her creativity and of course encourage and tell her it’s alright if she didn’t paint it just right – it doesn’t have to be perfect as long as she tries and gives it her best.


As parents it is in our instincts to protect our own and jump and claw at anyone who might suggest that your kid is less than perfect. But wait a minute; are you doing it because you are insecure? Or are you really protecting them? Chloe has been obsessed lately with one kid in her class, it seems she wants to seek approval from this kid, and she talks of her a lot even after school. She would say things like ” Jenny says polka dots isn’t pretty” or “Jenny said I’m not Hannah Montana” or sometimes she would even say “Jenny squashed my face 2 times today”. So like any good parents we assured her we would talk to Jenny and the teacher.


But wait a minute, while you are doing that are you also monitoring your own kid? It’s easy to see the fault of another kid, right? Afterall, our kid is always an “ANGEL” NOT! It’s hard to admit that your kid isn’t an angel either because they are kids. And like any good parents you have to realize it and not fuel that “little tiff” they seems to be having with someone or other. Why? Because your angel might think that this is the way the world should be, that everyone must like her or else THE LIGHTNING GOD!

You and I know the world is not this way and the sooner you explain it and put the right message across to your kid – the sooner the bratty behavior will stop.


So today, when Chloe said “Jenny did this and that” I told her that the next time she wants to talk about Jenny she should do it in front of Jenny, that way Jenny can defend herself and explain her side of things. I’m sure I told Chloe that Jenny’s mother may have a word or two for Chloe too. And guess what? She stopped talking about Jenny. Like I said, as a parent it is up to me to do right by my own kid because what we teach them now is what they are going to be in the future.

If I had continued to let Chloe go on and on and condone her behavior, what kind of teenager or young adult will my kid be in the future? One who is engrossed with petty stuff? Or a well rounder who can be nonchalant about nonsense? Before you speak to another parent or kid it’s important that you do the right thing by your kid first – because no matter how young or old your kid is, what you teach her or him is going to impact them for the rest of their lives. If you think that your petty thinking isn’t going to grow on your kids, and turn their minds and thoughts into undesirable characters, as good parents we better think again. Of course, bad parents don’t have to think. You want what is best for your kid but if you want your kid to be known as a fighter cock or a sore loser or a crazy son-in-law or daughter in law, go right ahead and teach them to belittle other people or beat up their boyfriends so that they would be good to them. Good parenting begins at birth, good parenting begins with you the parent, good parenting never stops. It is ok to teach your kid that not everyone needs to like them and it’s ok to teach your kid to be the bigger person. It’s also ok to teach your kid not to sweat the small stuff. But wait a minute, don’t be disillusioned and take it that your kid is never wrong because good parents nurture, encourage, compliment and most importantly know how to not fight with another kid because you are the PARENT! You have to teach your own first, after all, isn’t your kid’s welfare the most important here? And remember, your actions speak a lot about yourself too. Lesson to be learned by yours truly.

Kids Swimming

Chloe is 5.5 yrs old now.. and she is into a lot of things, like all good parents, we want to make sure that she is an all -rounder. We wanna make sure she eats well, learn the right stuff, stay healthy and also make the right choice, even though she is only 5.5.

So she just started swimming a few weeks ago and loves it and one can only hope that she will continue loving such a healthy sport and since summer is round the corner, I am hoping that this year, we can do a lot more with her than we did the previous years. We are going for movies and letting her do other stuff with her babysitter.. and she seems to be getting a better grasps of expressing herself too. Luckily, in this age and time, we have digital camcorders to help us to record her every milestones and every achievements as well as other things. I bet my mom would be really disappointed that she didn’t even owned a camera thing – for those things were expensive some 50 yrs ago.

What Do You Do When You Have A 5.5 Yrs Old?

We all know that parenting is not just about telling you kid from right and wrong.. and feeding her with some milk everytime she cries right..?? Nope..!! when you have a 5.5 yrs old.. and an active one at that.. you have to get active.

We keep a ball in our car all the time.. so that she can have fun with it.. and even just throwing the ball and catching it is fun for her. We get hours of fun with just that – in fact in doors.. in the winter.. with her grammie. In the summer, you can go for treasure hunt for feathers, snails and flowers.. and in my brat’s case.. she goes hunt for blueberries.. and strawberries. We also let her ride her bike and scooter around the neighborhood stores or to Frost park. And we let her dance and sing alot even when i am doing my dishes. She loves the dancing.. and the putting on the piano. Andd of course .. swimming just started with her babysitter .. every saturday.. and we try not to disappoint her.

First Swim


As parents we want to give the best to our kids, not only in material things.. but in health and socially. And holding her back in her swimming lessons.. and others.. was the hardest we had to make.. but we know that we want what is best for her. Chloe is so excited about her swim.. she was trying out her swimming cap with Keegan her babysitter. We did luck in on Keegan.. because she does a lot of things with Chloe.. but after 4.5 yrs.. in a small town .. there really isn’t much they can do.. especially if the weather is bad.


Chloe went for her first swim today.. and she loved it.. can’t wait till next week to go again – she said. I loved that she is so adorable..and yet knows that mama is upset with some peanut brains of this town. Yes.. ! that one.. i’m sure you all know who i’m talking about. But luckily, I have Chloe and supportive family and friends.. and all my blogging friends and fan.

Library Time


We don’t get to do a lot of things with Chloe.. but as the weather gets warmer.. and if it is the weekend.. PB and I try to do stuff with her.. like the library or going for walks.. or visiting friends.. and of course.. the playground. Yes, we don’t just push everything to Keegan to do.. we do stuff with Chloe too.. because she would rather do stuff with us.


So off to the library we went this weekend.. but we weren’t there for long since we had to go swimming later. Chloe loves to draw and color .. as soon as we got into the library .. she sat and colored. The next time.. i’ll bring my lappie with me.


Chloe telling me.. i have to be quiet… muahahahhaa!! who’s the mother eh..??

Get Them Involved


Yes..!! i try to get Chloe involved in whatever I am doing. Rather than to have her watch tv.. while i was doing my dishes.. i asked her to help me mop the floor. You and I know.. she wouldn’t be doing a “clean” job.. but what does it matter.. if she was happy to help.. and i made her feel important.. that she helped mummy. I think by teaching her all these good values.. can only make her a better person.. and by doing these.. she will start young and learn that the house needs to be kept clean.. and that not only mummy and daddy must do housework, so does she.. and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. So while i do the dishes after dinner.. Chloe helped me clean the floor. Cute or not..??

Building Confidence


Building confidence in your child is very important and we never over indulge Chloe. She won’t eat the piece of chocolate if we said no.. but she would whine. And she wants to be Hannah Montana.. but we tell her .. she is just as good if not better than Hannah Montana. But we will still give her fake hair to put on .. to be Hannah Montana. We don’t believe in buying lots of materialistic stuff for her. .and then leave her to play on her own. That’s the reason why .. we hired Keegan to help with playing with Chloe. If i’m ever on the computer.. someone is there to play with her.. be it PB, Keegan, Gary or her Grammie. Chloe is never left on her own – being a mother is darn easy… but being a good mother.. now that’s the tough one. And my only wish is to be a good mother.. and that Chloe not only grow up healthy.. but confident.. and a good and useful person to the society. Isn’t that what all good mothers want..?