The Art Of A Good Union/Marriage

So what is the art of a good marriage or union.. ?? we all know that in any relationship.. it is an uphill task. Having a wedding ceremony. .and a reception . .and for those from home.. a huge wedding dinner. .in the fanciest restaurant.. is just the beginning. .and not the end of all the hoo – haas with your life together.

I don’t professed to be an expert .. or a old timer.. but i think a good combination of having a spouse and the in-laws who don’t get all agitated or upset with little stuff.. may be the key to a good union. PB and the in-laws. .they don’t sweat the smart stuff.. on top of everything.. they don’t interfere. The man is not tied to his mother’s apron strings .. that is a plus too. Plus, he doesn’t get all worked up.. when i am.. so we are never in the same fight at the same time.

What is your deal with a good marriage/union..?? pray tell.

Having Fun With Grammie


Having fun with Grammie is what the lil’ brat does best on Sundays. She would asked.. is it Sunday today..?? and when we say it is… her reply..?? “Are we going to Grammie’s house today..??” Yes.. she had been quite attached to Grammie since young.. but i also noticed a change recently.. and that is she is more willing to hug Grampie too.. and not just goodbye hugs.


For those of you .. who are not aware of this… my MIL came to stay with Chloe when i was hospitalized twice. During the emergency operation .. she came despite the fact that she had her garden to tend to .. and my FIL to help. For that i am eternally grateful.. because i wouldn’t trust Chloe with anyone else. And of course, to my FIL too.. for not getting upset that my MIL had to stay so long. I could not have asked for a better set of in-laws.

I Got Candies !


Grammie came to visit this week.. and got keegan to bring the brat to Toots for a treat.. while keegan wanted some drinks. Of course, given a choice.. the brat would just choose any kind of treat. .and she chose this one.. and of course given a choice.. she would wanna eat all. But nope.. we let her eat half of it only.


What happened to the other half..?? we had meant to give it to her later in the day.. when she is done her lunch.. but daddy used the printer machine without seeing what was on it.. and it fell on the floor.. so poor Chloe.. no more treats. Luckily by then.. she had forgotten all about it. Thank God..!! else you know what was gonna happened right..?

My Simple Philosophy Of Life

I was telling PB today.. that i have a very simple philosophy of life and it’s only one. Very simple.. very easy to remember.. and everything else pale in comparison. Can you guess what it is..?? Share with me.. what is your ultimate philosophy in life with me eh. For my one and only philosophy in my life is “nothing else is more important than my daughter”. As soon as we get home from work.. we take care of her first.. and nothing else matters. Groceries can wait.. eating for ourselves can also wait. First to take care of her needs and wants.. and the rest can come. So what is your most important philosophy in your life right now..?

Strawberries From Grampie’s Garden


First batch of strawberries from Grampie’s garden.. is for Chloe of course. Look at how big they are..!! awesome..!! Of course, Chloe is real happy.. and she was eating alot of it… and peas too. Grampie does grow the best peas in town. As for me.. i’m too heavy hearted to eat anything… or enjoy them. Tomorrow.. or rather in a few hours.. i’ll be going into the hospital for a major surgery. Of course, the doctors are going to do their best.. but you and I know.. there are risked. i wrote a letter to chloe on her blog.. just in case *touch wood*. But I’m gonna be really strong.. and i’m gonna be alright for this cutie pie.

Some Ambition For Father’s Day

I asked my father-in-law what he would like for Father’s Day.. and he said.. some ambition. Now donch we all wished for some ambition now. Anyone got some ambition to sell me.. to give to my father-in-law…?? Yes.. my father in law can be funny sometimes. I think he is a great guy.. and a great father to PB .. and a great grandfather.. to my brat. But what i admired most about my in-laws.. is they still called each other “hon” .. not something we see too often .. in the Asian community. Well.. not in my very chinese family anyways. What about your family..?? are they affectionate.. till now..?? or are they like old fashioned..??

A Treat For Me

My father in law came on MSN to chat with me last nite.. and told me.. that he had a treat for me. Guess what it is..?? Yes.. !! lobsters..! since it was the end of the season.. therefore he bought some.. at $5 a pound.. not bad considering the supermarket sells them for more.. and not so fresh as this. But I think my father in law bought those lobsters because of Godma Lynn who is in town..!! she loves lobsters too..! but it was really nice for my FIL to think of me.

PS : We didn’t get to visit my in-laws or Godma Lynn.. because the brat just wouldn’t cooperate.. and by the time we were ready to leave.. Godma Lynn was heading out to the lodge. Just too bad..!

My In-Laws Fed Me Shit

Yes.. we were talking about corn.. because the ones we had bought .. wasn’t good at all. And PB had said.. that i always said .. that the corns were bitter.. and rolled his eyes. Then my MIL came to my rescue and said.. no, she had heard about me saying corns were sweet somtimes. In which I replied .. that they were corns from their garden.

In which my mother-in-law replied.. “that’s because of all the pig shit in the fields… Muahhahaha!! so yes.. they fed me shit.. !! all these years.. and din’t tell me.

I Got More Bok ChoI

Yes.. I got more baby bok choi today.. from my father-in-law. Pictures to follow .. but this time.. i brought the whole bucket home.. so that it would grow a little more.. before i chop them down.. and stir fry them with oyster sauce, garlic .. and some fried shallot. I can’t wait for more baby bok choi.. maybe once there is more.. i can fry them up. .and eat them with my in-laws.. so they can see how sweet the baby bok choi is. It really taste alot different from the ones.. we can get in Halifax. This is not scrawny.. but fat and juicy.

The Brat & Her Grampie


The brat is very fussy .. when taking her pictures with Grampie. We never have any great pictures of her and her grampie.. so I was extremely pleased with this one.. but you see the bribe.. over there..?? yes..!! had to bribe her with her indulgence.