Every little girl needs a dollhouse don`t you think? I think so ! and when we saw one up in the city – that we feel that we can justify – we went back to MicMac Mall to get it for Chloe. She was a happy girl even though she was very sick but I guess I wanted to get it for Chloe because I didn’t have stuff like that when I was a kid and I sure envied my friends when they talked about their huge dollhouse. Deprived of a lot of stuff when I was a kid, I want to make sure that mine gets a reasonable amount of stuff but I wouldn’t go overboard on any toys for Chloe and what other people do with their kids is none of my business. To each their own – and more power to those who buys expensive toys for theirs, it is not for me to judge. But having said that Chloe’s grampie will be paying for Chloe’s dollhouse so I’m buying him some Padron cigars that he likes for being so generous.
Inviting Play Dates & Mommies
Chloe is currently in Grade 2 and besides her school friends – we also make sure she has friend from other schools. And since she is taking up so many extra-curricular classes, it is inevitable to be asked out for play dates and vice versa. But my play dates usually involves the mommies as well – that way moms can get together and eat, chat and drink – and most importantly relax. Thank God for electric grills , because we can grill just about anything for everyone. So everyone brings whatever they want to feed their kids and just throw it onto the grills I have and it’s that easy. I make lots of ice lemon tea and lemonade for the kids – and for us mommies – I add in a bit of my special liquor – like the cranberry ones that I bought locally from Lunenburg. My play dates are always a hit – because we have the trampoline – the swings and those big inflated castles for the kids to bounce and slide.
Teaching My Kid About Friendship
Chloe just finished her summer day camp on Friday and we spent a little time together for the entire day on Friday – I asked her about summer camp if she had fun – and if she had gotten herself some good friends – in which she replied that she did have some good friends – but some kids were mean and nasty. And some only wanted candies from her – before they would let her play. So I thought about it – and tried to think what it was like when I was a kid and how I handled being friends with people back then.
Was I a popular kid when I was young ? I was – in fact – I’m like the red indian – when I grew older – I’m always at the center of attention – because I speak the loudest and played the hardest – I wanted to excel in everything and anything. I remembered one year in my secondary school days – I was the best speaker for the LDDs debate team. I headed the team – and I was the school editor for a school paper one year. But i also realized that after my secondary school I didn’t come ahead with too many “best friends” because I didn’t really cared too much about what other people thought about me – I like to do things the way I liked.
But of course, as I grew older and at 46 now – I also have no time for nonsense when it comes to friendship. It takes a long time for me to call you my friend – you have to earn it – and to me – no one is indispensable – friends come and go – but the true friends – you don’t need a lot. True friendship don’t need flattery words – a good friend is one who will tell you the truth and look out for you. So I told Chloe not to sweat the small stuff – good friends are those – you can lean on always – and yes – I want her to be good to her friends – be sympathetic, be kind and be gracious – but never be a doormat to anyone. And most importantly, one have to love oneself first before you can have true friends.
Celebrating Grandparents’ Day
This weekend is Grandparents’ Day – although some may argue that it’s a way commercial business make you buy more gifts and spend money – I think it is important to acknowledge Grandparents who played a very important part in your child’s life. After all, Grandparents are the next closest relative besides the parents right? and even though grandparents don’t look for gratitude – I think it’s important to show Grandparents how much we appreciate their help, love and gifts they pour onto your kids. While I had gotten my mom gifts at Shari’s Berries – for grandparents’ day – we are going to order some cheese and flowers. So for those who are not aware that Grandparents’ day is this weekend – you still have time to order your gifts now – it doesn’t need to be a whole bunch of gifts – just chocolates, cheese or flowers are very nice gestures to show you appreciate them.
Summer Ends
Chloe will be going back into school in a few days – and that means the summer holiday is ending for her soon. Unfortunately, PB hasn’t planned anything at all the entire summer *sigh*. Why am I not surprised? I realised today there are 2 things I cannot depend on during summer – #1 – is for PB to plan for us a holiday or a good time and #2 – my plans for Chloe to bond with her grandparents during the summer – these 2 things never seems to work at all. Am I upset ? A little. Am I disappointed? Very! The cold weather will be setting in really soon – and to go anywhere – would just means you have to keep that sweater on – and sometimes be in the rain. So even if we do go to the city in September or October – I wouldn’t enjoy it as much as during the summer. And again this summer – no Clement’s park or the zoo *sigh*. Oh well! what can I do right? wait till i burst and go crazy I guess. Tis’ my life!
Hurricane Irene
So Hurricane Irene is coming our way – everyone in the East Coast was warned and told to be prepared. We don’t know what is going to come this way – it’s a hit and miss around here but everyone is busy putting away their patio furniture and swing set – and anything that is left out in the yard. We are very lucky because we have a wooden swing set that is nailed deep down into the ground – and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. So each time we have high wind or bad weather – the only thing that doesn’t need moving around is the wooden swing set. We bring in the trampoline, the patio set, the cloth hangers and even the mosquito net comes right down. I hope we won’t get a lot of wind and rain – because it can get nasty – so are you prepared for Hurricane Irene?
Getting Married In Canada
So you found a Canadian boyfriend and he gave you the ring – and proposed – so you want to get married in Canada? or should you get married in your home country and then do it all over again in Canada? Or is it legal to get married in your home country and not bother when you come back to Canada – since you are thinking of moving to Canada with him some time right? Well, of course, if he decided to move to your home country – now that would be a different story and of course you wouldn’t be reading this right?
Well, whatever you decide – you will have to think of what you are going to do first – for immigration purpose. Getting married in your hometown – doesn’t automatically make you a Canadian resident or a Canadian citizen as far as I know – in fact – getting married away from Canada – may post a little more complicated than you think when trying to migrate to Canada. From my experience – I strongly suggest – you come to Canada first as a tourist – apply for a marriage license here – get married here and then do your immigration from here – while you have a tourist status. Usually, Canadian immigration will grant you a 6 months visitor pass – and that is enough to get your application going. But my experience is only my own – my 2 cents – so don’t hold it against me – if yours work out differently. Good luck!
Children Using The Puffer
Chloe wasn’t a happy camper when she first had to use the puffer – in fact, she was so scared – she covered her mouth – her nose – and make us count 1 to 10 for like a few times and still she wouldn’t use the puffer. She was crying so bad – that her dad got so mad with her – he threw the puffer away. Yes ! such JOY! I wasn’t too impressed with PB of course – but I didn’t say anything – because Chloe was hyperventilating by that time. Well, she did finally use the puffer that night and got better every day. In fact, she got so good at it – she put the puffer and the aerochamber together now and use it herself – without any help.
She’s an expert now – yes! children can get scared of strange things – but they are but children right? so if your child needs the puffer – please have a little bit of patience – don’t be like PB please – *slap forehead* you should have seen how scared chloe was when PB got mad. Adults gotta know that when we get angry – our children get really scared – some may not act that way – but deep inside they are – every child wants their parents approval. Didn’t you want your parent’s approval too when you were kids?
Fairly Fashionable
My nephew who will be attending University during this fall called to ask me about getting a new wardrobe for school. He thinks I’m fairly fashionable and would like me to go shopping with him and his mom – he was petrified that he would have to dress up the way his mom wants him to in University. I can completely understand his predicament – because my mom was the same way when I was a young adult – she wanted me to wear frilly stuff *slap forehead*. I found some armani exchange coupons for him and told him where he can go look at some of the more fashionable clothes and to show his mom what he liked before going shopping – that way she has an idea – what is suitable for him now. Like all moms – I can understand where his mom is coming from – but I’ve also been a young adult before and can sympathize with him. So here’s a win- win situation – for I really think that AX clothing are a great buy.
No Expensive Presents Please!
So you all know that Chloe was sick for like 10 days right? when she got her needles last Monday – to draw blood out for her blood test – she was screaming her lungs out. I wasn’t there but PB and a dear friend who works for the lab department was there to witness it. But PB had promised Chloe a reward for being brave and letting them draw blood – so they had gone to Walmart and gotten her some go-gos but not just any go-gos – but a box of it – special edition – which cost PB closed to $23 !!!! *slap forehead*.
For those who are not aware of this – I don’t like to get Chloe expensive presents – because she really don’t need expensive toys. Giving her a dollar store reward is just as good – and when we do get her go-gos – they are the ones that are $3 for 3 pieces – not a bunch for $23 !! that’s too much money to be spent on a kid for one day. I don’t want Chloe to learn that it is alright to spend so much money on toys.
Many a times – when I asked Chloe’s grandparents for money for her watch or books isn’t because I don’t have the money to get them myself – but I am trying to show her that some of her things comes from her grandparents and uncle too. But when I tell Chloe to tell her uncle or grandfather that they owe me a few bucks for Chloe’s stuff – it’s to tell her that they are the ones who bought them for her and not us. We also want to show Chloe that they care for her too- and know what she likes since they normally don’t know what she likes and what to buy for her. But I never asked anyone to get anything expensive for Chloe – it’s just a gesture – to teach Chloe that she is being thought of – even by her extended family. Should I asked her grandparents or uncle to get something really expensive – I would return in kind – like the Rum that we had bought for her grampie – because I want to teach Chloe that she cannot take only and never give back. So no – no expensive toys from us – and when PB bought that go-gos for $23 – I wasn’t impressed. And for those who hear me telling Chloe’s grandparents or uncle – that they owe me money for Chloe’s stuff/toys – it’s not because I’m hard up for their money – but moreso – to show Chloe that her gifts comes from her grandparents and uncle too – because her Godma from Singapore and my friends/cousins from around the world buys her so many things – Chloe is no short of anything – be it clothing or toys.