Conference Call To Singapore

We made a Conference call to Singapore this morning – as soon as we got to work for fear that the weather – may caused us to lose power. The call was to Chloe’s kai mah (godmother) from Singapore to wish her a Happy Chinese New Year. I wished we could talk longer – but we were at the store and already there was customer – trying to ring in a debit – so I had to hang up quickly. Chloe didn’t say too much – because it was too cold at the store – and she was just sulking. But I’m glad we made the conference call – because it was the least we could do for her Godmother in Singapore – for she always send tons of gifts for Chloe and I. Gong Hei Fatt Choy – Lina!

The Kid Who Is So Bored

Poor Chloe so bored on a Sunday and wanting to visit her grandparents but can’t because her grammie went for a holiday with her dancing friends. Last week, she couldn’t go because Grammie went for a movie and had a some kind of a benefit. Yes! grammie is very busy! Chloe said to me – but grammie is busy in the summer – and now it’s the winter – when will she not be busy? The only reason why I send Chloe to her grandparents is because she loves spending time with them – she bakes and plays and reads with them – and also do craft work. Of course, during the winter – she can go sledding – and she was so looking forward to it – this winter. Poor Chloe! So bored! I told her if we go back to Singapore – at least Kai Mah will spend Sundays with her – hahahhaha!!

Internet Free For 24 hrs

Or should I say computer free for 24hrs? You see – I think I can – but the spouse aka PB – I doubt so. We were up in the city for 2 days last year – and mannn!! he can’t do without the computer and the internet. He had to check his emails – had to check the webcam of the store and even when we were out shopping – he was looking for computers *slap forehead*. But can you really blame him – at this time and age – can anyone not know how to work the computer and go on the internet? even his grandaunt who is 90 yrs old checks her email everyday. I sometimes wonder what it would be like without the internet, without ICQ – without msn messenger or skype? what would life be like? one thing for sure – without the computers and internet – PB and I wouldn’t have met – he is in the other side of the world. And most importantly, we won’t have Chloe – our cheeky PITA (Pain In The A##)- hahaha ! whom we loved and adore. Yes! so my challenge to you is to be internet and computer free for 24hrs one day a week – can you do that? I have started – and every Sunday – I refused to do anything on the computer or the internet.

Howard Stern Show On Radio

We only have one radio station in this town – poor us eh! unlike home, we have the chinese station, the english station, the Malay station, the Gold 90.5FM, the symphony station and many more by now I am assuming. I missed the talk shows – the interaction between the listeners and the radio DJs a lot and the discussing of certain high key issues in the country. So we have sirius a Satellite Radio and listen to Howard Stern Radio and Oprah Winfrey instead especially if we are driving up to the city. 4 hrs of driving can get very boring – trying to think of something to chat. But I do love the Howard Stern Radio a lot because it’s just hilarious – and he does the most outrageous stuff and say the most unthinkable thing. Plus his guest lists are awesome too – from Chris Rock to just about anyone you can think of – you want to hear on the radio. Thank God for satellite radio else I would be bored to death here.

Teaching Responsibility

I’m not a perfect parent – in fact – far from it – but one thing I know for sure – is that teaching your kid to own up and taking responsibility for thing that he or she did – is a very important step to growing up and living an honest life. I find it so sad – when a parent starts pointing fingers at the other kid – when the kid is found stealing from our store or doing something bad. According the the parent – it’s not his kid – but the other kid he is with – and the same goes for the other kid’s parent – when I spoke with them about it. It’s easy to point fingers at the other family – the other kid – but what does it teach your kid?

Yesterday, another parent was in with her kid – wanting to rent a game – but the kid had a $30 late charge from a previous game rental. The mother said – nope she wasn’t paying for it – because it wasn’t her lates *slap forehead* – walked out – but called back and insisted that we shouldn’t have rented the game under her account but her ex-husband’s *slap forehead*. So what does it teach that kid? what would i do?

Firstly, I would pay up the amount – because it’s my kid – but I’m letting my kid go easy – that’s for sure – and I won’t be renting another game for her for a long time – till she works it off – by doing dishes or laundry or something that needs doing around the house or even the store in our case. But to argue with the store owners – to make it the store owner’s fault – now that’s the wrong way to teach your kid. Teaching responsibility should begin right now – not when your kid is 21 or 50 – it begins as soon as your kid is born. Being a responsible parent brings up responsible kids – try to remember that the next time you point fingers at other people’s kid.

Off Season Shopping

I never used to shop only when things are at a good price till the spouse owned a business and of course after having a child. Both comes with great responsibility and both requires that I become sensible and look out for deals when I buy stuff. Of course, that doesn’t mean that I short change myself with the quality of the things I buy – so I buy things that are off season. Like now – the spring stuff are out and men’s running shorts are what I should be buying for the spouse – but instead I would buy the winter leftover now and wait till summer before I buy the running shorts for him. That way I know that I will still be getting the same shorts but at a better deal – in fact – because of the better deal – I usually buy more than 1. Same with Chloe’s clothing – now her snow pants are like 50% off – and I buy a size bigger for next year – and same with her Christmas dresses. What about you? do you do the same ? or am I the only cheap charlie?

Bad Words

We own a store and we see many kids come thru’ our store and some does have a foul mouth – and it seems that their parents can’t do anything about it. I told PB we should count our blessings – because Chloe knows – that there are “bad words” on tv and wants us to shut the show off when it is on TV. So what makes our kid different from the kids who comes into our store screaming profanity at their parents? I sat down and thought about it.

Kids knows what is right and wrong – even from a very young age – you have to give them enough credit for it. And to say that your kid don’t know better – it is just an excuse. The reason why Chloe doesn’t repeat the bad words and wants us to shut the show down – when she hears something bad is because we as parents – are appalled by foul languages and we showed it – therefore Chloe quickly picked up from us – and knows that it’s a bad thing to even listen to foul languages – much more repeat it. So the kids who shouts profanity at their parents at our store – must have parents shouting the same – at their kids at home or other places – therefore – the kids do the same to their parents when the need arises and they don’t get their way. So parents – be careful – how you talk to your kids – because what they become – is what you are now.

A Cozier Home This Year

So we started the new year – with some new furniture for our home. We finally broke down and bought chairs for our dining table – because the ones we had – were not color co-ordinated. So while eating at a local restaurant in town – we were kinda inspired – they had the kind of sturdy chairs we wanted – so after a late lunch one afternoon – we headed to get the chairs. Chairs are expensive here ! at $70 a chair! we bought 3 new ones. Then we bought a new chest of drawer for Chloe – since she is still using her old one – that is too small for her now. And next we bought a new kitchen faucet for our kitchen – and the only thing we are looking out for – when the price is right – is a front load washing machine and dryer. We needed a new kitchen faucet – because our current one was leaking and rusty looking as well. As for the washing machine and dryer – it’s because we want an energy and water saving machine – our old one works well – but it’s an top load one – and it’s time to change. I can’t wait to do other little things for our home – so that we can start having friends and family over for visits.

Winter Camp

Thank God for winter camp this year – because Chloe had 3 weeks of holidays from school – right before Christmas and then after. Chloe’s grammie was going to take her like twice a week but she got a cold right after Christmas and couldn’t take her. Also, this time round – Chloe had decided to stay for lunch instead of having her to bring her back and send her back to camp after lunch. So yes! thank God for Winter camp – and hopefully, they do it again next year – because it sure helped us a lot since we were so busy during Christmas time. On the last day of Winter camp – I gave the camp counselors some food vouchers from a local restaurant here to thank them for taking care of Chloe. Yes, we do have to pay for camp – but it’s always nice to show our appreciation in different ways.

Christmas Shopping

Christmas shopping is almost impossible for us – because we own our own business and have a kid – and we have very limited time – so we resort to doing our shopping online. Not only is it convenient – most places like when you buy apple bottom, one can get free shipping! awesome right. How are you making out with your Christmas shopping? like I said – PB always waits to the last minute – as for me – I shop smart – i buy all my friends and families online – that way they will get their presents on time every time. And no hassle with buying online because if it doesn’t fit or for any reason they are not suitable – most places return policy is not only good – they give you a label to ship back to them for free. Super awesome to shop online!